§ 7B-11. Specific standards.  

Latest version.
  • In all areas of special flood hazard where base flood elevation data has been provided as set forth in Section 7B-2 or Section 7B-7, the following provisions are required:


    Residential Construction. New construction and substantial improvement of any residential structure shall have the lowest floor, including basement, elevated above the base flood elevation at least twelve inches (12″).


    Nonresidential Construction. New construction and substantial improvement of any commercial, industrial or other nonresidential structure shall either have the lowest floor, including basement, elevated at least twelve inches (12″) above base flood elevation; or together with attendant utility and sanitary facilities shall:


    Be floodproofed to twelve inches (12″) above the base flood elevation so that the structure is watertight with walls substantially impermeable to the passage of water;


    Have structural components capable of resisting hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads and effects of buoyancy;


    Have a registered professional engineer or architect licensed in the state of California develop and/or review structural design, specifications, and plans for construction. Have a registered professional engineer or architect licensed in the state of California certify that the standards of this subsection are satisfied. Such certification shall be provided to the official as set forth in Section 7B-5.


    Manufactured Homes.


    Manufactured homes shall be anchored in accordance with Section 7B-10.


    New manufactured home parks and manufactured home subdivisions; expansion to existing manufactured home parks and manufactured home subdivisions; existing manufactured home parks and manufactured home subdivisions where the repair, reconstruction or improvement of the streets, utilities and pads equals or exceeds fifty percent (50%) of value of the streets, utilities and pads before the repair, reconstruction or improvements has commenced; manufactured homes not placed in a manufactured home park or manufactured home subdivision; and existing manufactured home parks or manufactured home subdivisions in which a manufactured home has incurred (substantial damage( as a result of a flood or in which new construction or (substantial improvement( of a manufactured home is proposed, require:


    Permanent foundations are elevated so that the lowest floor of the manufactured home will be at least twelve inches (12″) above the base flood elevation specified on the FIRM (Flood Insurance Rate Map);


    Adequate surface drainage and access for a hauler are provided; and


    In the instance of elevation on piles, that


    Lots are large enough to permit steps,


    Piles are placed in stable soil no more than ten feet (10′) apart, and


    Reinforcement is provided for piles extending more than six feet (6′) above the ground level.


    Coastal High Hazard Area.


    All buildings or structures shall be located landward out of reach of the mean high tide.


    The placement of manufactured homes shall be prohibited, except in an existing manufactured home park or manufactured home subdivision.


    The alteration of sand dunes which would result in an increase of potential flood damage shall be prohibited.


    Construction Requirements.


    Elevation. All buildings or structures shall be elevated so that the lowest horizontal supporting member is located no lower than the base flood elevation, with all space below the lowest horizontal supporting member open so as not to impede the flow of water, except for breakaway walls.


    Structural Support.


    All buildings or structures shall be securely anchored on piles or columns.


    Piles or columns used as structural support shall be designed and anchored so as to withstand all impact forces and buoyancy factors of the base flood.


    There shall be no fill used for structural support.


    Space Below the Lowest Floor.


    Any alteration, repair, reconstruction or improvement to a structure started after the enactment of the ordinance codified in this chapter shall not enclose the space below the lowest floor unless breakaway walls are used as provided for in this section.


    Breakaway walls may be allowed below the base flood elevation provided they are not a part of the structural support of the building and are designed so as to breakaway, under abnormally high tides or wave action, without damage to the structural integrity of the building on which they are to be used.


    If breakaway walls are utilized, such enclosed space shall not be used for habitation.


    For the purposes of this section, a breakway wall shall have a design safe loading resistance of not less than ten (10) and no more than twenty (20) pounds per square foot. Use of breakway walls that exceed a design safe loading resistance of twenty (20) pounds per square foot (either by design or when so required by local or state codes) shall be permitted if a registered professional engineer or architect certifies that the designs proposed meet the following conditions:


    Breakaway wall collapse shall result from a water load less than that which would occur during the base flood; and,


    The elevated portion of the building and supporting foundation system shall not be subject to collapse, displacement, or other structural damage due to the effects of wind and water loads acting simultaneously on all building components (structural and non-structural). Water loading values used shall be those associated with the base flood. Wind loading values used shall be those required by applicable state or local building standards. Such enclosed space shall be useable solely for parking of vehicles, building access, or storage.


    Certification. A registered professional engineer or architect licensed in the state of California shall develop and/or review structural design, specifications, and plans for construction and shall certify that the design and methods of construction to be used are in accordance with accepted standards of practice for meeting the provisions of this subsection. Such certification shall be provided to the official as set forth in Section 7B-5.


    Recreational Vehicles. All recreational vehicles shall either:


    Be on the site for fewer than one hundred eighty (180) consecutive days;


    Be fully licensed and ready for highway use; or


    Comply with all provisions of this chapter, including but not limited to Sections 7B-5, 7B-10, and 7B-11.

(Ord. No. 5700 § 1, 2007; Ord. No. 5224 § 1, 2000; Ord. No. 4887 § 8, 1995: Ord. No. 3575 § 3, 1986; Ord. No. 2918 § 3.)