§ 7-13. Codes adopted and modifications.
Code Adoption. The following listed codes are hereby adopted and incorporated herein by reference, save and except such portions as are added, amended, deleted, modified or revised in subsequent sections.
California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 24, Part 1, 2016 California Administrative Code .
CCR, Title 24, Part 2, 2016 California Building Code (CBC), Volumes 1 and 2, Chapters 1-35.
CCR, Title 24, Part 2.5, 2016 California Residential Code (CRC), Chapters 1-10 , 44 and Appendix H.
CCR, Title 24, Part 3, 2016 California Electrical Code (CEC), Chapters 1-9 and Informative Annex H.
CCR, Title 24, Part 4, 2016 California Mechanical Code (CMC), Chapters 1-17 and Appendices B, C, D and F.
CCR, Title 24, Part 5, 2016 California Plumbing Code (CPC), Chapters 1-17 and Appendices A, B, C, D, G, H, I, J and K.
CCR, Title 24, Part 6, 2016 California Energy Code .
CCR, Title 24, Part 8, 2016 California Historical Building Code.
CCR, Title 24, Part 10, 2016 California Existing Building Code (CEBC), Chapter 2, Chapter 3 Section 301.1.4 only, Chapter 4 Section 404 only and Chapter 16.
CCR, Title 24, Part 11, 2016 California Green Building Standards Code , Chapters 1-8, Appendices A4 and A5.
CCR, Title 24, Part 12, 2016 California Referenced Standards Code .
Administrative Provisions.
CCR Title 24, Part 2, 2016 CBC, Volume 1, Chapter 1, Division I, Section;
CCR Title 24, Part 2.5, 2016 CRC, Chapter 1, Division I, Section;
CCR, Title 24, Part 3, 2016 CEC, Section;
CCR Title 24, Part 4, 2016 CMC, Chapter 1, Division I, Section;
CCR Title 24, Part 5, 2016 CPC, Chapter 1, Division I, Section; and,
CCR Title 24, Part 10, 2016 CEBC, Chapter 1, Division I, Section; are added to read as follows:
Appeals. Appeal may be made from any decisions of the chief building official provided, however, that such appeal may not be made more than thirty (30) days after the decision from which appeal is being made has been rendered. Prescriptive standards as set forth in this code do not constitute a decision of the building official appealable under this section. All applicants and appellants shall be given reasonable opportunity to be heard and present evidence. Decisions of the local appeals board and housing appeals board shall be in writing and shall be delivered to the appellant either in person or by mailing to the address stated on the appeal or application. Decisions of the local appeals board and housing appeals board are final. The local appeals board and housing appeals board shall have no authority relative to fees, permit processing or other matters which are not directly related to building standards, and shall have no authority to waive the requirements of this code. Appeals of any notice of violation or notice and order to abate any violation of this code shall be heard and decided by a hearing officer pursuant to Section 1-7.3 of the Sonoma County Code.
Time Limit of Application.
CCR Title 24, Part 2, 2016 CBC, Volume 1, Chapter 1, Division II, Section 105.3.2;
CCR Title 24, Part 2.5, 2016 CRC, Chapter 1, Division II, Section 105.3.2;
CCR Title 24, Part 4, 2016 CMC, Chapter 1, Division II, Section 104.3.3;
CCR Title 24, Part 5, 2016 CPC, Chapter 1, Division II, Section 104.3.3;
CCR Title 24, Part 10, 2016 CEBC, Chapter 1, Division II, Section 105.3.2;
are amended to read as follows and
CCR, Title 24, Part 3, 2016 CEC, Informative Annex H, Section 80.19(I) is added to read as follows:
Time Limit of Application. If no permit is issued within one year following the date of application, the application shall expire by limitation, and plans and other data submitted for review may thereafter be returned to the applicant or destroyed by the building official. If, after such expiration, the original plans are resubmitted within 180 days following such expiration, the plan review fee shall be 25% of that otherwise required. No application shall be renewed in this fashion more than once. In order to further renew action on an application after expiration, the applicant shall resubmit plans and pay a new plan review fee. The chief building official may extend this time period when such extension is warranted, including but not limited to (1) to correct an error by the department, (2) when a legal action prevents the project from being completed within the allowed year time frame, or (3) in the interest of public health and safety. The chief building official's decision regarding the limitation period shall be final.
Permit Expiration.
CCR Title 24, Part 2, 2016 CBC, Volume 1, Chapter 1, Division II, Section 105.5;
CCR Title 24, Part 2.5, 2016 CRC, Chapter 1, Division II, Section R105.5;
CCR Title 24, Part 4, 2016 CMC, Chapter 1, Division II, Section 104.4.3;
CCR Title 24, Part 5, 2016 CPC, Chapter 1, Division II, Section 104.4.3; and,
CCR Title 24, Part 10, 2016 CEBC, Chapter 1, Division II, Section 105.5;
are amended to read as follows and
CCR, Title 24, Part 3, 2016 CEC, Informative Annex H, Section 80.19(J) is added to read as follows:
Permit Expiration.
Unless otherwise authorized, every permit issued by the Permit and Resource Management Department under the provisions of this section shall expire by limitation three (3) years from the date of permit issuance. The chief building official may limit a permit to a lesser time period when necessary to abate dangerous or substandard conditions. The chief building official may extend this time period when such extension is warranted, including but not limited to (1) to correct an error by the department, (2) when a legal action prevents the project from being completed within the three year time frame, or (3) in the interest of public health and safety. The chief building official's decision regarding the limitation period shall be final.
Before any work can be commence or recommenced on any expired permit, or permit to legalize a violation, a new permit shall first be obtained. The new permit shall be obtained for all work necessary to finish the project including work already completed that has not been previously inspected and approved by the department.
Any new permits issued to recommence work started under an expired permit will be based on the codes in effect at the time of the original expired permit.
Any new permits issued to commence work under an expired permit will be based on the codes in effect at the time of the original expired permit, provided that no more than two subsequent model California Building Code s have been adopted.
Any new permits issued to commence work under an expired permit where more than two subsequent model California Building Code s have been adopted shall be governed by the codes in force at the time of the new permit application.
Any new permits issued to legalize a violation shall be governed by the codes in force at the time of the new permit application.
The fees for the new permit shall be based on the current fee schedule at full value of the previously permitted work minus the value of the work inspected and approved prior to expiration of the permit plus the full value of any new work not previously permitted per the Permit and Resource Management Department Expired Permit Policy.
Schedule of Permit Fees.
CCR Title 24, Part 2, 2016 CBC, Volume 1, Chapter 1, Division II, Section 109.2;
CCR Title 24, Part 2.5, 2016 CRC, Chapter 1, Division II, Section R108.2;
CCR, Title 24, Part 3, 2016 CEC, Informative Annex H, Section 80.19(E);
CCR Title 24, Part 4, 2016 CMC, Chapter 1, Division II, Section 104.5;
CCR Title 24, Part 5, 2016 CPC, Chapter 1, Division II, Section 104.5; and,
CCR Title 24, Part 10, 2016 CEBC, Chapter 1, Division II, Section 108.2;
are amended to read as follows:
Schedule of Permit Fees.
Schedule of permit fees. On buildings, structures, electrical, gas, mechanical, and plumbing systems or alterations requiring a permit, a fee for each permit shall be paid as required, in accordance with the schedule as established by the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors.
Incomplete Plans. Where plans are incomplete or changed so as to require additional plan review, an additional plan review fee shall be charged at the rate shown in the Permit and Resource Management Department fee schedule.
Peer Review or Third Party Review. When approved by the chief building official a reduction in plan review fees by twenty five per cent (25%) of that otherwise required may be granted where a peer review or third party plan review or other process results in substantially reduced plan review effort by the Permit and Resource Management Department.
Stock Plans. The chief building official may, in his or her discretion, waive the plan check fee for the second and all subsequent buildings or structures identical to a building or structure for which a plan check has been paid because there is a reduction in the cost of providing the service. This plan check fee waiver for subsequent submittals shall be limited to one (1) year following date of original fee payment. In each case the applicant must be the same for all permits.
Reinspection Fees. A reinspection fee may be assessed for each inspection or reinspection when such portion of work for which inspection is called is not complete or when corrections called for are not made. This section is not to be interpreted as requiring reinspection fees the first time a job is rejected for failure to comply with the requirements of this code, but as controlling the practice of calling for inspections before the job is ready for such inspection or reinspection. Reinspection fees may be assessed when the inspection record card has not been posted or otherwise is not available on the work site, the approved plans are not readily available to the inspector, for failure to provide access on the date for which the inspection is requested, or for deviating from plans requiring the approval of the building official. The reinspection fee shall be established in the Board of Supervisors' fee schedule. When a reinspection fee has been assessed, no additional inspection of the work shall be performed until the required fees have been paid.
Violation Penalty and Review Fee. Any person who violates a provision of this code or fails to comply with any of the requirements thereof or who erects, constructs, alters or repairs a building or structure in violation of the approved construction documents or directive of the building official, or of a permit or certificate issued under the provisions of this code, shall be subject to penalties as prescribed by law. A review fee equal to the amount of the permit fee, whether or not a permit is then or subsequently issued, shall be assessed. The payment of such review fee shall not exempt any person from compliance with all other provisions of this code nor from any penalty prescribed by law.
CCR Title 24, Part 2, 2016 CBC, Volume 1 Chapter 1, Division II, Section 114.4;
CCR Title 24, Part 2.5, 2016 CRC, Chapter 1, Division II, Section R113.4;
CCR, Title 24, Part 3, CEC, Informative Annex H, Section 80.23(B)(1);
CCR Title 24, Part 4, 2016 CMC, Chapter 1, Division II, Section 1063;
CCR Title 24, Part 5, 2016 CPC, Chapter 1, Division II, Section 106.3; and,
CCR Title 24, Part 10, 2016, CEBC, Chapter 1, Division II, Section 113.4
are deleted.
Connection after Order to Disconnect.
CCR Title 24, Part 2, 2016 CBC, Volume 1, Chapter 1, Division II, Section 112.4;
CCR Title 24, Part 2.5, 2016 CRC, Chapter 1, Division II, Section R111.4;
CCR, Title 24, Part 3, CEC, Informative Annex H, Section 80.25(F);
CCR Title 24, Part 4, 2016 CMC, Chapter 1, Division II, Section 106.7;
CCR Title 24, Part 5, 2016 CPC, Chapter 1, Division II, Section 106.7; and
CCR Title 24, Part 10, 2016 CEBC, Chapter 1, Division II, Section 111.4;
are added to read:
Connection After Order to Disconnect. Persons shall not make connections from any energy, fuel or power supply nor supply energy or fuel to building service equipment which has been disconnected or ordered to be disconnected by the building official or the use of which has been ordered to be discontinued by the building official until the building official authorizes the reconnection and use of such equipment.
California Building Code Revisions.
CCR Title 24, Part 2, 2016 CBC, Volume 1, Chapter 1, Division II, Section 101.4.4 is amended to read:
101.4.4. Property maintenance. The provisions of Sections 116 Unsafe Structures and Equipment of the California Building Code as amended by Sonoma County Code by adding Sections 116.1.1 and 116.1.2, shall apply to existing buildings and premises.
CCR Title 24, Part 2, 2016 CBC, Volume 1, Chapter 1, Division II, Section 105.2 is amended to read:
105.2 Work exempt from permit. Exemption from permit requirements of this section shall not be deemed to grant authorization for any work to be done in any manner in violation of the provisions of this code or any other laws or ordinances of the jurisdiction. Such exempt structures must meet all other applicable requirements of this jurisdiction, including required minimum distances from property lines. Permits shall not be required for the following:
Building Permit Exemptions:
One-story detached accessory buildings used as tool and storage sheds, playhouses and similar uses, provided the floor area does not exceed 120 square feet, and the height above grade does not exceed 12 feet. No more than one structure may be allowed under this exemption unless separated from another permit exempt structure by more than 50 feet.
Fences, not over 10 feet high, except that solid wood, concrete, metal, and masonry fences more than 7 feet in height measured from the lowest existing grade to the top of the fence shall require a building permit.
Oil derricks.
Retaining walls, which retain not more than 3 feet of material unless supporting a surcharge or impounding Class I, II, or IIIA liquids. For the purpose of this section, a retaining wall is considered to be supporting a surcharge if:
The wall retains more than one foot of material and the retained material slopes more than two units horizontal to one vertical within a distance equal to twice the height of the wall above the lowest existing grade, or
The wall retains more than one foot of material and any road or structure is located on the retained material within a distance equal to twice the height of the wall above the lowest existing grade.
Tanks, not containing Class I, II, or IIIA liquids supported directly upon grade, or below grade, if the capacity does not exceed 5,000 gallons and the ratio of height to diameter or width does not exceed 2 to 1.
Sidewalks, platforms, driveways, nonstructural slabs and decks not more than 30 inches above grade, and not over any basement or story below and are not part of a disabled access route.
Painting, papering, tiling, carpeting, cabinets, counter tops and similar finish work.
Temporary motion picture, television and theater stage sets and scenery.
Prefabricated swimming pools accessory to a Group R, Division 3 Occupancy which do not exceed 5,000 gallons, and are installed entirely above ground.
Shade cloth structures constructed for nursery or agricultural purposes, not including service systems. Plumbing, electrical or mechanical systems associated with the structure require permits.
Swings, play structures, and other playground equipment, treehouses with a floor area less than 120 square feet, and skateboard ramps, accessory to detached one and two family dwellings, which are not used for commercial purposes, and children's play structures when constructed on a parcel which contains a one or two- family dwelling or a State licensed school or day care center.
Window awnings in Group R-3 and U Occupancies, supported by an exterior wall that do not project more than 54 inches from the exterior wall and do not require additional support.
Nonfixed and movable fixtures, cases, racks, counters and partitions not over 5 feet 9 inches in height for office work spaces and cubicles.
Minor repair of interior paneling or gypsum wallboard when it does not serve as a fire-resistive assembly or as lateral bracing for a structure. Minor repairs are limited to 100 square feet, on a one time basis. Subsequent minor repairs will require permits. This exemption shall not apply to structures subject to flood damage.
Replacement of windows or doors with others of the same size, and in the same location when the structural frame of the opening is not altered.
Prefabricated structures no more than 500 square feet in area, constructed of light frame materials and covered with cloth or flexible plastic which has a thickness no greater than 5/1000 of an inch, accessory to a single family dwelling, with no associated electrical, plumbing, or mechanical equipment and the height above grade does not exceed 12 feet.
Residential Arbors, trellises, and gazebos, when the height above grade does not exceed twelve (12) feet. For the purpose of this section, arbors, trellises, and gazebos are considered for detached shade structures accessory to residential occupancies and are defined as follows:
Structures which have a lattice or fabric roof structure, and
75% of the exterior walls are not less than 75% open, and
Into which a motor vehicle cannot be driven due to the configuration of the structure or placement on the site.
If such a structure contains electrical, plumbing, or mechanical equipment, a permit is required for this work.
Removal of up to 25% of exterior and/or interior or roof coverings or other similar work for the purpose of determining the condition of structural members in a structure where work is being planned. Such work may remain exposed for a maximum of 90 days before being repaired. A permit must be obtained for the repairs unless exempted by this section of the Sonoma county code.
2-bin trash enclosure covers with a height not exceeding 12 feet.
Electrical Permit Exemptions:
Minor repair work, including the replacement of lamps or the connection of approved portable electric equipment to approved permanently installed receptacles.
The provisions of this code shall not apply to electrical equipment used for radio and television transmissions, but do apply to equipment and wiring for a power supply and the installations of towers and antennas.
The installation of any temporary system required for the testing or servicing of electrical equipment or apparatus.
Listed cord and plug connected temporary decorative lighting.
Reinstallation or replacement of attachment plug receptacles, but not the outlets therefor.
Repair or replacement of branch circuit overcurrent devices of the required capacity in the same location.
Installation or maintenance of communications wiring, devices, appliances, apparatus, or equipment.
Gas Permit Exemptions:
Portable heating appliance.
Replacement of any minor part that does not alter approval of equipment or make such equipment unsafe.
Portable fuel-cell appliances that are not connected to a fixed piping system and are not interconnected to a power grid.
Mechanical Permit Exemptions:
Portable heating appliance.
Portable ventilation equipment.
Portable cooling unit.
Steam, hot or chilled water piping within any heating or cooling equipment regulated by this code.
Replacement of any part that does not alter its approval or make it unsafe.
Portable evaporative cooler.
Self-contained refrigeration system containing 10 pounds (4.54 kg) or less of refrigerant and actuated by motors of 1 horsepower (746 W) or less.
Portable fuel-cell appliances that are not connected to a fixed piping system and are not interconnected to a power grid.
Plumbing Permit Exemptions:
The stopping of leaks in drains, water, soil, waste or vent pipe, provided, however, that if any concealed trap, drain pipe, water, soil, waste or vent pipe becomes defective and it becomes necessary to remove and replace the same with the new material, such work shall be considered as new work and a permit shall be obtained and inspection made as provided in this code.
The clearing of stoppages or the repairing of leaks in pipes, valves or fixtures and the removal and reinstallation of water closets, provided such repairs do not involve or require the replacement or rearrangement of valves, pipes or fixtures.
Replacement of existing plumbing fixtures for low flow plumbing fixtures in accordance with Section 1101.1 California Civil Code.
CCR Title 24, Part 2, 2016 CBC, Volume 1, Chapter 1, Division II, Section 113 is deleted.
CCR Title 24, Part 2, 2016 CBC, Volume 1 Chapter 1, Division II, Section 116.1.1 is added to read:
116.1.1 Definition of unsafe or dangerous building. Any building or structure which has any or all of the conditions or defects hereinafter described shall be deemed to be an unsafe or dangerous building, provided that such conditions or defects exist to the extent that the life, health, property or safety of the public or its occupants are endangered. The presence of an unsafe or dangerous building shall be considered a public nuisance subject to abatement pursuant to Chapter 1, Sonoma County Code.
Whenever any door, aisle, passageway, stairway or other means of exit is not of sufficient width or size or is not arranged as to provide safe and adequate means of exit in case of fire or panic.
Whenever the walking surface of any aisle, passageway, stairway or other means of exit is so warped, worn, loose, torn or otherwise unsafe as to not provide safe and adequate means of exit in case of fire or panic.
Whenever the stress in any materials, member or portion thereof, due to all dead and live loads, is more than one and one half times the working stress or stresses allowed in the Building Code for new buildings of similar structure, purpose or location.
Whenever any portion thereof has been damaged by fire, earthquake, wind, flood, or by any other cause, to such an extent that the structural strength or stability thereof is materially less than it was before such catastrophe and is less than the minimum requirements of the Building Code for new buildings of similar structure, purpose or location.
Whenever any portion or member or appurtenance thereof is likely to fail, or to become detached or dislodged, or to collapse and thereby injure persons or damage property.
Whenever any portion of a building, or any member, appurtenance or ornamentation on the exterior thereof is not of sufficient strength or stability, or is not so anchored, attached or fastened in place so as to be capable of resisting a wind pressure of one half of that specified in the Building Code for new buildings of similar structure, purpose or location without exceeding the working stresses permitted in the Building Code for such buildings.
Whenever any portion thereof has wracked, warped, buckled or settled to such an extent that walls or other structural portions have materially less resistance to winds or earthquakes than is required in the case of similar new construction.
Whenever the building or structure, or any portion thereof, because of (i) dilapidation, deterioration or decay; (ii) faulty construction; (iii) the removal, movement or instability of any portion of the ground necessary for the purpose of supporting such building; (iv) the deterioration, decay or inadequacy of its foundation; or (v) any other cause, is likely to partially or completely collapse.
Whenever, for any reason, the building or structure, or any portion thereof, is manifestly unsafe for the purpose for which it is being used.
Whenever the exterior walls or other vertical structural members list, lean or buckle to such an extent that a plumb line passing through the center of gravity does not fall inside the middle one third of the base.
Whenever the building or structure, exclusive of the foundation, shows 33 per cent or more damage or deterioration of its supporting member or members, or 50 per cent damage or deterioration of its nonsupporting members, enclosing or outside wall or coverings.
Whenever the building or structure has been so damaged by fire, wind, earthquake or flood, or has become so dilapidated or deteriorated as to become (i) an attractive nuisance to children; (ii) a harbor for vagrants, criminals or immoral persons; or as to (iii) enable persons to resort thereto for the purpose of committing unlawful or immoral acts.
Whenever any building or structure has been constructed, exists or is maintained in violation of any specific requirement including construction without permit or prohibition applicable to such building or structure provided by the building regulations of this jurisdiction, as specified in this Code or Health and Safety Code section 17920.3 or Uniform Housing Code Chapters 4, 5, 6 and Sections 701.2, 701.3, or of any law or ordinance of this state or jurisdiction relating to the condition, location or structure of buildings.
Whenever any building or structure which, whether or not erected in accordance with all applicable laws and ordinances, has in any nonsupporting part, member or portion less than 50 per cent, or in any supporting part, member or portion less than 66 per cent of the (i) strength, (ii) fire-resisting qualities or characteristics, or (iii) weather-resisting qualities or characteristics required by law in the case of a newly constructed building of like area, height and occupancy in the same location.
Whenever a building or structure, used or intended to be used for dwelling purposes, because of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, decay, damage, faulty construction or arrangement, inadequate light, air or sanitation facilities, or otherwise, is determined by the health officer to be unsanitary, unfit for human habitation or is such a condition that is likely to cause sickness or disease.
Whenever any building or structure, because of obsolescence, dilapidated condition, deterioration, damage, inadequate exits, lack of sufficient fire-resistive construction, faulty electric wiring, gas connections or heating apparatus, or other cause, is determined by the fire marshal to be a fire hazard.
Whenever any building or structure is in such a condition as to constitute a public nuisance known to the common law or equity jurisprudence.
Whenever any portion of a building or structure remains on a site after the demolition or destruction of the building or structure or whenever any building or structure is abandoned for a period in excess of six months so as to constitute such building or portion thereof an attractive nuisance or hazard to the public.
Whenever any building or structure has been abandoned and unsecured for a period in excess of six months so as to constitute an attractive nuisance or hazard to the public.
CCR Title 24, Part 2, 2016 CBC, Volume 1 Chapter 1, Division II, Section 116.1.2 is added to read:
116.1.2 Definition of nuisance. The following shall be defined as a nuisance:
Any public nuisance known at common law or in equity jurisprudence.
Any attractive nuisance that may prove detrimental to children whether in a building, on the premises of a building or on an unoccupied lot. This includes, but is not limited to, any abandoned wells, shafts, basements or excavations; abandoned refrigerators and motor vehicles; any structurally unsound fences or structures; or any lumber, trash, fences, debris, or vegetation that may prove a hazard for inquisitive minors.
Whatever is dangerous to human life or is detrimental to health, as determined by the health officer.
Overcrowding a room with occupants.
Insufficient ventilation or illumination.
Inadequate or unsanitary sewage or plumbing facilities.
Uncleanliness, as determined by the health officer.
Whatever renders air, food or drink unwholesome or detrimental to the health of human beings, as determined by the health officer.
CCR Title 24, Part 2, 2016 CBC, Volume 1 Chapter 1, Division II, Section 116.3 is amended to read:
116.3 Notice. If an unsafe condition is found, the building official shall serve on the owner, agent or person in control of the structure, a written notice that describes the condition deemed unsafe per Section 1-7.3 of the Sonoma County Code.
CCR Title 24, Part 2, 2016 CBC, Volume 1 Chapter 1, Division II, Section 117 is added to read:
NOTICE TO VACATE117.1 Posting. Every notice to vacate shall, in addition to being served as provided in Section 116.4, be posted at or upon each exit of the building and shall be in substantially the following form:
UNSAFE TO OCCUPYIt is a misdemeanor to occupy this building, or to remove or deface this notice.
Building Official
County of Sonoma117.2 Posting during declared emergencies. During a declared local, state or federal emergency or state of emergency as defined in Chapter 10 of this Code, each structure or property affected by the declaration and subsequently reviewed shall be evaluated and posted in accordance with the standards established in Applied Technology Council (ATC) 20, ATC 45 or the most recently adopted standard by the California Office of Emergency Services as an emergency response plan.
117.3 Compliance. Whenever such notice is posted, the building official shall include a notification thereof in the notice and order issued under Section 115.3 reciting the emergency and specifying the conditions which necessitate the posting. No person shall remain in or enter any building which has been so posted unless specifically stated on the posting. Entry may be made to repair, demolish or remove such building under permit. No person shall remove or deface any such notice after it is posted until the required repairs, demolition or removal have been completed and a certificate of occupancy issued pursuant to the provisions of the Building Code.
117.4 Appeals. Appeals of any notice and order to abate any violation of this Code shall be heard and decided by a hearing officer pursuant to Section 1-7.3 of the Sonoma County Code.
CCR Title 24, Part 2, 2016 CBC, Volume 1 Chapter 2, Section 202 is amended to revise the following definitions to read:
BUILDING. Any structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any use or occupancy. Building is also any structure as to which state agencies have regulatory power, and housing or enclosure of persons, animals, chattels, equipment or property of any kind. Building is also any structure wherein things may be grown, made, produced, kept, handled, stored or disposed of, and all appendages, accessories, apparatus, appliances and equipment installed as a part thereof. Building shall not include machinery, equipment or appliances installed for manufacture or process purposes only, nor shall it include any construction installations which are not a part of a building, any tunnel, mine shaft, highway or bridge, or include any house trailer or vehicle which conforms to the Vehicle Code.
BUILDING, EXISTING. A building legally erected prior to the adoption of this code, or one for which a legal building permit was issued for the construction or legalization thereof prior to the adoption of this code.
SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENT: See Sonoma County Code Ch. 7B-1.
CCR Title 24, Part 2, 2016 CBC, Volume 1 Chapter 2, Section 202 is amended to add the following definitions as follows:
MEMBRANE STRUCTURE. An air-inflated, air-supported, cable or frame-covered structure as defined by the California Building Code and not otherwise defined as a tent or umbrella structure. See Chapter 31 of the California Building Code .
SUBSTANTIAL ADDITION. All existing buildings or structures, any addition of floor area that exceeds areas identified in Table 906.3 of the existing gross floor area, or when specific reference in other areas of the code are allowed.
SUBSTANTIAL REMODEL. In all existing buildings or structures, any alteration of floor area that is greater than seventy five percent (75%) of the existing gross floor area or meets the definition of a substantial improvement as defined by the California Building Code , or when specific reference in other areas of the code are allowed.
TENT. A structure, enclosure, umbrella structure or shelter with or without sidewalls or drops, constructed of fabric or pliable material supported by any manner except by air or the contents that it protects.
UMBRELLA STRUCTURE. A structure, enclosure or shelter with or without sidewalls or drops, constructed of fabric or pliable material supported by a central pole. (See "Membrane Structure" and "Tent")
UNWARRANTED ALARM. The giving, signaling or transition of an alarm notification to a public fire station or emergency communication center when such alarm is the result of a defective condition of an alarm system, system servicing testing, construction activities, ordinary household activities, false alarm or other cause when no such danger exists.
CCR Title 24, Part 2, 2016 CBC, Volume 1, Chapter 4, Section 446.10 is amended to read as follows:
Section 446.10 Fire protection systems. New and existing Type 3 winery caves shall have fire protection systems installed in accordance with section 907.2.1 and 914.12 of the California Fire Code.
CCR Title 24, Part 2, 2016 CBC, Volume 1, Chapter 4, Section 446.16, 446.16.1 and 446.16.2 are added to read as follows:
446.16 Additional Fire Protection
Additional fire protection systems shall be installed pursuant to section 446.16.1 and 446.16.2 and CCR Title Part 2, 2016 California Fire Code, Volume 1, Chapter 9, section 914.
446.16.1 Manual Fire Alarm system shall be installed in existing Type 3 winery caves unless equipped with an automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with 903.3.1.1 The fire alarm system shall activate the occupant notification system in accordance with 907.5 when the occupant load exceeds 100 or more.
446.16.2 Automatic sprinkler system shall be installed in all new Type 3 winery caves when the occupant load exceed 100 or more, or existing winery caves when a change of use is approved by the fire code official.
CCR Title 24, Part 2, 2016 CBC, Volume 1, Chapter 4, Section 446.17 is added to read as follows:
Section 446.17 Signage. A sign shall be required at the main entrance of every Type 2 and Type 3 winery cave. The sign shall be protected from the elements and include, cave type, occupant load, and interior site plan as approved by the fire code official.
CCR Title 24, Part 2, 2016 CBC, Volume 1, Chapter 9, Section 902.1 is amended to add the following:
CCR Title 24, Part 2, 2016 CBC, Volume 1, Chapter 9, Section 903.2 is amended to read as follows:
Section 903.2 Where required. Approved automatic sprinkler systems in new buildings and structures shall be provided in the locations described in Sections 903.2.1 through 903.2.19. Approved automatic sprinkler systems in existing buildings and structures shall be provided in locations described in Section 903.6.
Agricultural buildings as approved by the fire code official.
Detached accessory structures to Group R-3 not classified as a dwelling unit and not exceeding 3,000 square feet (928m ) in gross floor area.
Detached non-combustible motor vehicle fuel dispensing canopies.
Detached group U occupancies not greater than 3,000 square feet (279m ).
Special occupancy aircraft hangar shade structures as approved by the fire code official, unless required in NFPA409.
CCR Title 24, Part 2, 2016 CBC, Volume 1, Chapter 9, Section 903.2.1 is amended to read as follows:
Section 903.2.1 Group A. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout buildings containing a Group A occupancy.
CCR Title 24, Part 2, 2016 CBC, Volume 1, Chapter 9, Section 903.2.1.1 through 903.2.1.5 are deleted.
CCR Title 24, Part 2, 2016 CBC, Volume 1, Chapter 9, Section 903.2.1.6 is amended to read as follows:
Section 903.2.1.6 Assembly occupancies on roofs. Where an occupied roof has an assembly occupancy with an occupant load exceeding 100 for Group A-2 and 300 for other Group A Occupancies, an automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout the building in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2.
CCR Title 24, Part 2, 2016 CBC, Volume 1, Chapter 9, Section 903.2.1.7 is deleted.
CCR Title 24, Part 2, 2016 CBC, Volume 1, Chapter 9, Section 903.2.2 is amended to read as follows:
Section 903.2.2 Ambulatory care facilities. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed throughout buildings containing an ambulatory care facility.
CCR Title 24, Part 2, 2016 CBC, Volume 1, Chapter 9, Section 903.2.3 is amended to read as follows:
Section 903.2.3 Group E. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed throughout buildings containing a Group E occupancy.
CCR Title 24, Part 2, 2016 CBC, Volume 1, Chapter 9, Section 903.2.4 is amended to read as follows:
Section 903.2.4 Group F. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout buildings containing a Group F occupancy where gross floor area exceeds 1000 square feet (93m2).
Canopied winery crush pads less than 12,000 square feet in area, provided that all of the following conditions are met:
The canopy and supporting structure are constructed of non-combustible materials.
If attached, the crush pad is separated from other portions of the building by one-hour fire-resistive walls.
The crush pad is not used for storage of combustible materials.
The canopy and supporting structure is in incapable of trapping heat, smoke or other byproducts of combustion.
Dairy milking facilities less than 12,000 feet in area.
CCR Title 24, Part 2, 2016 CBC, Volume 1, Chapter 9, Section 903.2.4.1 is deleted.
CCR Title 24, Part 2, 2016 CBC, Volume 1, Chapter 9, Section 903.2.5.3 is amended to read as follows:
Section 903.2.5.3 Pyroxylin plastics. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout buildings where cellulose nitrate film or pyroxylin plastics are manufactured, stored or handled in quantities exceeding 100 pounds (45 kg).
CCR Title 24, Part 2, 2016 CBC, Volume 1, Chapter 9, Section 903.2.7 is amended to read as follows:
Section 903.2.7 Group M. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout buildings containing a Group M occupancy where gross floor area exceeds 1000 square feet (93m2).
CCR Title 24, Part 2, 2016 CBC, Volume 1, Chapter 9, Section 903.2.8.1 is amended to include the exception as follows:
Section 903.2.8.1 Group R-3. An automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.3 shall be provided throughout all one- and two-family dwellings regardless of square footage in accordance with the California Residential Code . Fire Sprinklers shall be installed in mobile homes, manufactured homes and multi-family manufactured homes with two or more dwelling units in accordance with Title 25 of the California Code of Regulations.
CCR Title 24, Part 2, 2016 CBC, Volume 1, Chapter 9, Section 903.2.9 is amended to read as follows:
Section 903.2.9 Group S. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout all buildings containing a Group S occupancy where the gross floor area exceeds 1000 square feet (93m2).
Agricultural buildings as approved by the fire code official.
Detached accessory structures to Group R-3 not classified as a dwelling unit and not exceeding 3,000 square feet (279m ) in gross floor area.
Special occupancy aircraft shade structures as approved by the fire code official, unless required in NFPA409.
Volunteer Fire Department vehicle storage barn not exceeding 3000 sq. ft. (279m ).
CCR Title 24, Part 2, 2016 CBC, Volume 1, Chapter 9, Section 903.2.9.1 through 903.2.9.2 is deleted.
CCR Title 24, Part 2, 2016 CBC, Volume 1, Chapter 9, Section 903.2.10 is amended to read as follows:
Section 903.2.10 Group B. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout buildings containing a Group B occupancies where the gross floor area exceeds 1000 square feet (93m2).
CCR Title 24, Part 2, 2016 CBC, Volume 1, Chapter 9, Section 903.2.10.1 is deleted.
CCR Title 24, Part 2, 2016 CBC, Volume 1, Chapter 9, Section 903.2.11 is amended to read as follows:
Section 903.11 Specific buildings areas and hazards. In all occupancies other than detached Group U occupancies not greater than 3,000 square feet (928m2), an automatic sprinkler system shall be installed for building design or hazard in the locations set forth in Sections 903.2.11.1 through 903.2.11.8.
CCR Title 24, Part 2, 2016 CBC, Volume 1, Chapter 9, Section 903.2.11.3 exceptions #1 & #2 are deleted.
CCR Title 24, Part 2, 2016 CBC, Volume 1, Chapter 9, Section 903.2.11.7 is added to read as follows:
Section 903.2.11.7 Undetermined use design. Automatic sprinkler systems installed in buildings or structures of undetermined use shall be designed and installed to have a minimum density of .33 gallons per minute per square foot over a minimum design area of 3,000 square feet (2,784m2).
CCR Title 24, Part 2, 2016 CBC, Volume 1, Chapter 9, Section 903.2.11.8 is added to read as follows:
Section 903.2.11.8 High-piled storage. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout as required in Chapter 32 in all buildings where storage is in high-pile or rack storage arrays.
CCR Title 24, Part 2, 2016 CBC, Volume 1, Chapter 9, Section 903.2.11.9 is added to read as follows:
903.2.11.9 Elevation of existing buildings. An automatic fire extinguishing system shall be installed throughout all existing buildings when the building is elevated to three or more stories, or more than thirty-five feet (35') in height, from grade to the exposed roof.
An automatic fire-extinguishing system need not be provided when the area above 35 feet (35') is provided for aesthetic purposes only and is a non-habitable space.
An automatic fire-extinguishing system need not be provided when existing single-family and two-family dwellings are elevated to comply with the requirements of Chapter 7B of the Sonoma County Code, provided that all of the following conditions are met:
The elevation creates a building no more than three stories in height.
Two approved exits that exit directly to the exterior and one exterior stair leading to the lowest level of fire department access are provided from the highest floor.
Approved interconnected smoke alarms are installed at each floor level and in all sleeping rooms, and hallways adjacent to sleeping rooms.
There is no expansion or modification of use other than installation of the exits required by subparagraph (b) above and a utility room less than 100 square feet. The space created at ground level by the elevation shall be used only as a private parking garage or as unused vacant space.
Any addition to the building after the elevation shall require installation of an automatic fire-extinguishing system.
CCR Title 24, Part 2, 2016 CBC, Volume 1, Chapter 9, Section 903.4.2 is amended to read as follows:
903.4.2 Alarms. One exterior approved audible and visual device, located on the exterior of the building in an approved location, shall be connected to each automatic sprinkler system. Such sprinkler water-flow alarm devices shall be activated by water flow equivalent to the flow of a single sprinkler of the smallest orifice size installed in the system. Where a fire alarm system is installed, actuation of the automatic sprinkler system shall actuate the building fire alarm system.
Exception: R-3 occupancies may be exempt from visual device when approved by the fire code official.
CCR Title 24, Part 2, 2016 CBC, Volume 1, Chapter 9, Section 903.6 is added to read as follows:
Section 903.6 Where required in existing buildings and structures. An automatic sprinkler systems shall be provided throughout existing buildings and structures where required in Sections 903.6.1 through 903.6.3.
CCR Title 24, Part 2, 2016 CBC, Volume 1, Chapter 9, Section 903.6.1 is added to read as follows:
Section 903.6.1 Substantial remodel. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout all buildings that undergo a substantial remodel or substantial improvement.
Exception: Alterations made solely for the purpose of complying with the American Disabilities Act.
CCR Title 24, Part 2, 2016 CBC, Volume 1, Chapter 9, Section 903.6.2 is added to read as follows:
Section 903.6.2 Substantial addition. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout all buildings that undergo a substantial addition per table 903.6.
CCR Title 24, Part 2, 2016 CBC, Volume 1, Chapter 9, Section 903.6.3 is added to read as follows:
Section 903.6.3 Substantial remodel and alteration. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout all buildings that undergo any combination of substantial remodel, addition or both that exceeds allowable area set by table 903.6
CCR Title 24, Part 2, 2016 CBC, Volume 1, Chapter 9, Table 903.6 is added to read:
TABLE 903.6
SUBSTANTIAL ADDITION, ALTERATION, AND REMODELExisting Gross Floor Area (d) Allowable Gross Floor Area Increase 0—1,000 sq ft: 200% (c) 1,001—4,000 sq ft: 100% (a)(c) Greater than 4,000 sq ft: 50% (a)(b)(c) (a) A 2,000 sq. ft. maximum of a increase is allowed.
(b) Maximum cumulative allowable gross floor area is 6,000 sq. ft.
(c) Fire sprinklers are required when additions to Limited Density Owner-Built Rural Dwellings (as described in Sonoma County Code Chapter 7-A) exceed 640 sq ft in gross floor area.
(d) Remodels that are greater than 75% of the original gross floor area.
CCR Title 24, Part 2, 2016 CBC, Volume 1, Chapter 9, Section 904.12 is amended to read as follows:
Section 904.12 Commercial cooking systems. Commercial cooking equipment that produce grease laden vapors shall be provided with a Type I Hood, in accordance with the California Mechanical Code , NFPA 96, and an automatic fire extinguishing system that is listed and labeled for its intended use as follows:
Wet chemical extinguishing system, complying with UL 300.
Carbon dioxide extinguishing system.
Automatic fire sprinkler systems.
All existing dry chemical and wet chemical extinguishing systems shall comply with UL 300.
Exception: Public school kitchens, without deep-fat fryers, shall be upgraded to a UL 300 compliant system during state-funded modernization projects that are under the jurisdiction of the Division of the State Architect.
All systems shall be installed in accordance with the California Mechanical Code , NFPA 96, appropriate adopted standards, their listing and the manufactures' installation instructions.
Exception: Factory-built commercial cooking recirculating systems that are tested, listed, labeled and installed in accordance with UL 710B and the California Mechanical Code and NFPA 96.
CCR Title 24, Part 2, 2016 CBC, Volume 1, Chapter 9, Section 905.3.1 is amended to read as follows:
905.3.1 Height. In other than Group R-3 and R-3.1 occupancies, Class III standpipe systems shall be installed throughout at each floor where any of the following occur:
Buildings where the floor level of the highest story is located more than 30 feet (9144 mm) above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access.
Buildings that are three or more stories in height.
Buildings where the floor level of the lowest story is located more than 30 feet (9144 mm) below the highest level of fire department access.
Buildings that are two or more stories below the highest level of fire department vehicle access.
Class I standpipes are allowed in buildings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2.
Class I manual standpipes are allowed in open parking garages where the highest floor is located not more than 150 feet (45 720 mm) above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access.
Class I manual dry standpipes are allowed in open parking garages that are subject to freezing temperatures, provided that the hose connections are located as required for Class II standpipes in accordance with Section 905.5.
Class I standpipes are allowed in basements equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system.
In determining the lowest level of fire department vehicle access, it shall not be required to consider either of the following:
Recessed loading docks for four vehicles or less.
Conditions where topography makes access from the fire department vehicle to the building impractical or impossible.
CCR Title 24, Part 2, 2016 CBC, Volume 1, Chapter 9, Section 905.9 exception #2 is deleted.
CCR Title 24, Part 2, 2016 CBC, Volume 1, Chapter 9, Section 912.2 is amended to read as follows:
Section 912.2 Location. With respect to hydrants, driveways, buildings and landscaping, fire department connections shall be so located that fire apparatus and hose connected to supply the system will not obstruct access to the buildings for other fire apparatus. The location of the fire department connections shall be within 100 feet of a fire hydrant or approved by the fire code official (Also see Section 507.5.1.1).
CCR Title 24, Part 2, 2016 CBC, Volume 1, Chapter 15, Section 1501.1 of the California Building Code is amended to read:
1501.1 Scope.
General. Except as otherwise provided in subsection (2), the roof covering assembly on any structure regulated by this code shall be as specified in Table No. 1505.1 and as classified in Section 1505.
Roof Covering Assembly on Specified Structures. Notwithstanding any other provision of this code, the roof-covering assembly on the following structures regulated by this code shall be a Class A roof-covering assembly as classified in Section 1505.2.
Any new structure regulated by this code;
Any existing structure regulated by this code when more than fifty per cent (50%) of the roof area of the structure is reroofed;
Any addition regulated by this code when the addition creates a new roof and the floor area of any single floor of the addition exceeds six hundred forty (640) square feet.
Roof-covering Assembly. The roof-covering assembly includes the roof deck, underlayment, interlayment, insulation and covering which is assigned to a roof-covering classification.
The following types of structures are exempt from this requirement:
Patio covers.
Fabric membrane structures when the fabric is certified as "flame retardant" by the State Fire Marshall.
Residential vehicle covers.
Sod roofs.
CCR Title 24, Part 2, 2016 CBC, Volume 2, Chapter 17, Section 1701.4 is added to read:
1701.4 Application. The provisions of this chapter shall be applicable to the California Building Code and California Residential Code , current editions.
California Residential Code amendments.
CCR, Title 24, Part 2.5, CRC, Chapter 1, Division I, Section of the California Residential Code is amended to read as follows: Utility and Miscellaneous Group U.
Buildings and structures of an accessory character and miscellaneous structures not classified in any specific occupancy shall be constructed, equipped and maintained to conform to the requirements of this code commensurate with the fire and life hazard incidental to their occupancy. Group U shall include, but not be limited to the following:
Agricultural buildings
Aircraft hangars accessory to a one or two-family residence (See Section 412.5 of the California Building Code )
Fences more than 6 feet high
Grain silos accessory to a residential occupancy
Livestock shelters
Private garages
Private riding arenas accessory to a one- or two-family residence
Retaining walls
Storage building accessory to a one- or two-family residence
CCR, Title 24, Part 2.5, CRC, Chapter 3, Section R309.6 is amended to read as follows:
R309.6 Fire sprinklers.
Carports with habitable space above and attached garages shall be protected by residential fire sprinkler systems in accordance with this section. Residential fire sprinklers shall be connected to, and installed in accordance with, a fire sprinkler system that complies with Section R313 or NFPA 13D. Fire sprinklers shall be residential sprinklers or quick-response sprinklers, designed to provide a minimum density of 0.05 gpm/sq ft over the area of the garage and/or carport, but not to exceed four sprinklers for hydraulic calculation purposes. Garage doors shall not be considered obstructions with respect to sprinkler placement.
Exception 1: An automatic residential fire sprinkler system shall not be required when additions or alterations are made to existing carports and/or garages that do not have an automatic residential fire sprinkler system installed in accordance with this section.
Exception 2: Detached garages and carports without a dwelling unit above.
CCR, Title 24, Part 2.5, CRC, Chapter 3, Section R313.1 is amended to read as follows:
R313.1 Townhouses automatic fire sprinkler system
An automatic fire sprinkler system shall be installed in new townhouses. An automatic fire sprinkler system shall be required when additions or alterations are made to existing townhouses in accordance with Sonoma County Code Section 7-13(B)(40) Table 903.6.
CCR, Title 24, Part 2.5, CRC, Chapter 3, Section R313.2 is amended to read as follows:
R313.2 One and two-family dwellings automatic fire systems
An automatic residential fire sprinkler system shall be installed in one and two-family dwellings. An automatic fire sprinkler system shall be required when additions or alterations are made to existing one- and two-family dwellings in accordance with Sonoma County Code Section 7-13(B)(41) Table 903.6.
Single-story detached Group U occupancies 3,000 sq. ft. or less in area.
Single-story detached Group S occupancies 3,000 sq. ft. or less in area.
A room or area which is used for storage only and that does not contain a bathroom, cooking or refrigeration facilities or connections for such facilities which is constructed above a detached garage, Group U Occupancy, or Group S occupancy.
Agricultural exempt buildings and agricultural buildings as approved by the Fire Code Official.
Private riding arenas, provided that all of the following conditions are met:
The building has a minimum of 60 feet of clearance to property lines or other structures on all sides.
The building has an on-site water supply complying with the requirements of this code.
The building has an annual fire inspection by the chief.
The portions of the building that are not part of the private riding arena are equipped with an automatic fire-extinguishing system and are separated from the private riding arena by area separation walls meeting the requirements of the Building Code.
CCR, Title 24, Part 2.5, CRC, Chapter 3, Section R313.3.1.3 is added to read as follows:
R313.3.1.3 Water-flow alarm
One exterior approved audible device shall be connected to every automatic sprinkler system in an approved location. Such sprinkler water-flow alarm devices shall be activated by water flow equivalent to the flow of a single sprinkler of the smallest orifice size installed in the system. Where a building fire alarm system is installed, actuation of the automatic sprinkler system shall actuate the building fire alarm system.
CCR, Title 24, Part 2.5, CRC, Chapter 3, Section R313.3.1.4 is added to read as follows:
R313.3.1.4 Spare sprinkler heads
A spare-head cabinet shall be installed in an approved location with a head wrench at least three spare heads of a type similar to those used in the system.
CCR, Title 24, Part 2.5, CRC, Chapter 3, Section R313.3.8.1 is amended to read as follows:
R313.3.8.1 Preconcealment inspection
The following items shall be verified prior to the concealment of any sprinkler system:
Sprinklers are installed in all areas as required by Section R313.3.1.1.
Where sprinkler water spray patterns are obstructed by construction features, luminaries or ceiling fans, additional sprinklers are installed as required by Section R313.
Sprinklers are the correct temperature rating and are installed at or beyond the required separation distances from heat sources as required by sections R313.3.2.1 and R313.3.2.2.
The pipe size equals or exceeds the size used in applying Tables R313.3.6.2(4) through R313.3.6.2(9) or, if the piping system was hydraulically calculated in accordance with Section R313.3.6.1, the size used in the hydraulic calculation.
The pipe length does not exceed the length permitted by Tables R313.3.6.2 (4) through R313.3.6.2.(9) or, if the piping system was hydraulically calculated in accordance with Section R313.3.6.1, pipe lengths and fittings do not exceed those used in the hydraulic calculations.
Nonmetallic piping that conveys water to sprinklers is listed for use with fire sprinklers.
Piping is supported in accordance with the pipe manufacturer's and sprinkler manufacturer's installation instructions.
The piping system is hydraulically pressure tested to 200 psig.
CCR, Title 24, Part 2.5, CRC, Chapter 3, Section R313.3.8.2 is amended to read as follows:
R313.3.8.2 Final inspection
The following items shall be verified upon completion of the system:
Sprinklers are not painted, damaged or otherwise hindered from operation.
Where a pump is required to provide water to the system, the pump starts automatically upon system water demand.
Pressure-reducing valves, water softeners, water filters, or other impairments to water flow that were not part of the original design have not been installed.
The sign or valve tag required by Section R313.3.7 is installed and the owner's manual for the system is present.
A spare-head cabinet is installed in an approved location with a wrench at least three spare heads of a type similar to those used in the system.
A flow tested is conducted to confirm system functions as designed.
CCR, Title 24, Part 2.5, CRC, 3, Division II, Section R313.3.9 is added to read as follows:
R313.3.9 Automatic Sprinkler Systems. Automatic sprinkler systems shall be inspected by rough in and at final occupancy by the county fire chief or authorized representative when required by this code. Inspections shall be completed prior to concealment and final occupancy by the building official.
CCR, Title 24, Part 2.5, CRC, 3, Division II, Section R313.3.10 is added to read as follows:
R313.3.10 Fire sprinkler system inspections
Where a fire sprinkler system is required, the building official shall require: a pressure test and preconcealment inspection, and flow test. Such inspections and tests shall be completed by the fire code official. The pressure test shall require that the installed piping be pressurized to 200 psig for not less than two hours. Fire sprinkler piping shall not be concealed from view until inspected, pressure tested and approved.
CCR, Title 24, Part 2.5, CRC, Chapter 3, Section R322.1.6 is amended to read as follows:
R322.1.6 Flood Damage Protection
See Sonoma County Code Chapter 7B-11A for Flood Damage Protection.
CCR, Title 24, Part 2.5, CRC, Chapter 3, Section R322.1.7 is hereby deleted.
California Electrical Code amendments.
CCR, Title 24, Part 3, CEC, Informative Annex H, Section 80.15 is hereby deleted.
CCR, Title 24, Part 3, CEC, Informative Annex H, Section 80.27 is hereby deleted.
California Mechanical Code amendments.
CCR Title 24, Part 4, 2016 CMC, Chapter 1, Division II, Section 105.1 is hereby deleted.
CCR Title 24, Part 4, 2016 CMC, Chapter 1, Division II, Section 107.0 is hereby deleted.
California Plumbing Code amendments.
CCR Title 24, Part 5, CPC, Chapter 2, Section 203.0 is amended to read as follows:
Abutting Lot:
An unimproved lot connected to another lot by an easement provided the lots are in common ownership;
An improved lot connected to another lot by an easement. The lots need not be under common ownership so long as the lot owner has an easement over the abutting lot sufficient for private sewage disposal subject to approval of the chief building official.
CCR Title 24, Part 5, CPC, Chapter 7, Section 713.8 is added to read as follows:
713.8 Toilets Required. Every dwelling or other building or place where persons congregate, reside or are employed shall be provided with an adequate number of water flush toilets connected to a sewage disposal system which shall consist of a public sewer connection or a septic tank and a system of underground drains for the disposal of the tank effluent, or other systems approved by the chief building official. Such system shall be constructed to meet the requirements of construction and maintenance provided in this chapter and the codes adopted hereby.
Exception: A facility for boarding of horses as defined in Sonoma County Zoning Regulations Definitions § 26-02-140 may have one part time or full time employee without being required to meet this requirement.
CCR Title 24, Part 5, CPC, Chapter 7, Section 713.9 is added to read as follows:
713.9 Privies. No privy, including vault privies, chemical privies, pit privies, holding tanks or cesspools shall be constructed, maintained or used except upon written approval of the Director of Permit and Resource Management Department unless otherwise specifically permitted by law.
CCR Title 24, Part 5, CPC, Chapter 7, Section 713.10 is added to read as follows:
713.10 Discharges. It is unlawful to discharge from any privy, cesspool, septic tank, container, sewer pipes or conduits not connected to a public sewer system, sewage, polluted or contaminated water or any matter of substance offensive, injurious or dangerous to public health where such water overflows any land whatsoever, including tideland, or where such water empties, flows, seeps or drains into or adversely affects any springs, streams, rivers, lakes, other waters or any public highway within the County of Sonoma.
CCR Title 24, Part 5, CPC, Appendix H, Table H 101.8, "NOTE" number 8 is amended to read:
Due to the general topographic nature of Sonoma County, horizontal distances between parts of a leaching system shall be determined by the Director of Permit and Resource Management Department.
CCR Title 24, Part 5, CPC, Appendix H, Section H 301.1(3) and the Exception are deleted.
CCR Title 24, Part 5 CPC, Appendix H, Section H 301.1(5) is deleted.
California Existing Building Code amendments.
CCR Title 24, Part 10, 2016 California Existing Building Code (CEBC), Chapter 4, Section 404.6 is added to read:
404.6 Seismic Design and Evaluation Procedures. Seismic design and evaluation procedures shall conform to the provisions of this chapter and Chapter 1, Section 101.5.4 of the 2015 International Existing Building Code.
CCR Title 24, Part 10, 2016 CEBC, Title 24, Chapter 4, Section 404.7 is added to read:
404.7 Wind Design. Wind design of existing buildings shall be based on the procedures specified in the 2016 CBC.
CCR Title 24, Part 10, 2016 CEBC, Title 24, Chapter 4, Section 404.8 is added to read:
404.8 Unsafe Conditions. Regardless of the extent of the structural damage, unsafe conditions shall be eliminated.
CCR Title 24, Part 10, 2016 CEBC, Title 24, Chapter 4, Section 404.9 is added to read:
404.9 Referenced Standards. Referenced standards for evaluation and rehabilitation of existing buildings shall conform with Chapter 15 of the 2015 International Existing Building Code.
(Ord. No. 6185 , § I(c), 11-15-2016; Ord. No. 6135, §§ I(a), (b) , 10-20-2015; Ord. No. 6048, § I(d), 11-5-2013; Ord. No. 5904, § I, 11-2-2010; Ord. 5754, § 1(l), 2007; Ord. No. 5666, § 1(a)—(b), 2006; Ord. No. 5603, § 1(a), 2005; Ord. No. 5402, § 1, 2003; Ord. No. 5374, § 1(a), 2002; Ord. No. 5167, § 1(i), 1999; Ord. No. 5086, § 1, 1997; Ord. No. 4959, §§ 1, 2, 1996; Ord. No. 4941, § 4, 1996; Ord. No. 4906, § 3 (part), 1995.)