Sonoma County |
Code of Ordinances |
Article II. Officers and Employees Generally. |
Division 2. County Administrator. |
§ 2-8. Powers, duties and responsibilities.
Under the supervision and control and subject to the direction of the board of supervisors, the county administrator shall have the following power, duties and responsibilities:
Advise, assist, act as agent for and be responsible to the board of supervisors for the prompt and efficient administration and execution of all those aspects of county government over which the board exercises control and direction, and oversee the faithful execution of the ordinances, orders and regulations of such board.
Supervise, direct and coordinate the administration of all county offices, departments and institutions, and the official conduct of all county officers and officers of all districts and subdivisions of the county, as to all matters over which the board of supervisors has responsibility and control.
Make such studies or investigations of matters within the scope of operations of the board of supervisors as such board may direct, and may make such studies or investigations of such matters as will promote economy or efficiency in government of the public welfare. May require any county officer or the head of any county institution or department to report upon or assist in such studies or investigations.
Make recommendations to the board of supervisors concerning any matter within the scope of such board's operations and authority in which efficiency economy or the public welfare may be promoted.
Prepare and recommend to the board of supervisors an annual budget for all departments and agencies for which the board of supervisors is responsible, and shall exercise continuous budgetary control after the adoption of such budget. Review all requests for appropriations, requests for budget transfers, and requests for new positions, and make recommendations to the board of supervisors thereon prior to action by such board upon such requests.
Review and make recommendations to such board concerning all appointments to, or suspensions, or removals from any office or employment with respect to which the board of supervisors acts as appointing authority.
Oversee all central administrative services and supervise department heads of the County's General Services and Information Services Departments.
Be appointing authority (appoint and dismiss authority) for the general services director, the information systems director, the emergency services/fire director and for any other county position designated by resolution or ordinance of the board of supervisors.
Evaluate all department heads' performance over which the county administrator exercises appointing authority. The county administrator will solicit general input from the entire board of supervisor's before conducting such evaluations.
Supervise, direct and coordinate all human resource functions not specifically governed by the civil service ordinance, such as risk management, employee benefits, labor relations and countywide training, and may delegate such functions to any county officer, department head or employee.
When authorized by the board of supervisors, represent the county in its implementation of the legislative program and overall intergovernmental relationships.
Recommend to the board of supervisors a long-term capital improvement program including project priorities, costs and methods of financing.
Attend the meetings of the board of supervisors and may participate in the discussion of any subject before such board, but shall have no vote.
Perform such other services and duties as the board of supervisors may direct and shall keep the board of supervisors fully advised of all matters which come to his attention which may be pertinent to the discharge of such board's responsibilities.
Pursuant to Government Code Section 29090, the county administrator is delegated the authority to authorize transfers within the budget, provided such transfers are within major budget categories.
Serve as representative of the board of supervisors to meet and confer with representatives of recognized employee organizations in the county's labor relations activities.
Freeze and unfreeze any vacant county position for reasons of economy or efficiency and be responsible for the control and assignment of extra help.
Perform all of the duties of the clerk of the board of supervisors.
(Ord. No. 5857, § III, 11-3-2009; Ord. No. 5794, § 4, 2008; Ord. 5693, § 1, 2006; Ord. 5692, § 4, 2006; Ord. No. 2292; Ord. No. 1847, § 1.)