Sonoma County |
Code of Ordinances |
Article XV. C2—Community Commercial District. |
§ 26C-150. Permitted uses, subject to site development and erosion control standards.
The following uses are permitted except within a sensitive area, riparian corridor, critical habitat area, or unique feature designated in the general plan or coastal plan, in which case a use permit is required. All clearing of vegetation, grading, excavation, fill or construction in association with these uses shall conform to the site development and erosion control standards. All uses requiring a coastal permit are appealable.
Commercial Uses:
Retail stores supplying commodities for residents of the county such as bakeries, ice cream, grocery and liquor stores, news stands, furniture, hardware, and appliance stores, department stores, stationery stores, sporting goods stores, pet shops, florist shops, automobile accessory stores and the like. Retail nurseries.
Repair and service uses such as laundry and dry cleaning establishments, barber shops, beauty parlors, shoe repair and tailor shops, photography studios, radio and TV repair shops, and the like.
Restaurants serving alcohol, bars, cocktail lounges, provided that no live entertainment or dancing is allowed.
Pharmacies, including retail sales of drugs, opticians and orthopedic supplies, cards, books, film and variety items.
Furniture, carpet and drapery stores, including incidental repair; paint and wall covering stores.
Plant and garden supply stores, florist shops entirely enclosed within a building.
Travel agencies.
Telephone answering services, computer services, credit services.
Indoor commercial recreation facilities including theaters, gymnasiums, swim centers, skating rinks, tennis clubs, health clubs, racquetball and handball facilities, and bowling alleys.
Art galleries, and antique studios.
Other Uses:
Financial institutions such as banks and savings and loan offices, professional administrative and general business offices.
Business, professional and trade schools or colleges.
Small collection facilities as an accessory use to any permitted use subject to the provisions of Section 26C-325.2.
Occasional cultural events, provided that a written notice stating "The Sonoma County Permit and Resource Management Department will issue a zoning permit for a cultural event (state nature and duration) on this property if a written appeal is not received within ten (10) days from the date of this notice." is posted on the property at least ten (10) days prior to issuance of a zoning permit, and no appeal pursuant to Section 26C-331 has been received from any interested person, and provided that approval is secured from the following departments: sheriff, public health, fire services, building inspection and public works. In the event of an appeal, a hearing on the project shall be held pursuant to Section 26C-331.
Small family day care.
Large family day care provided that the applicant shall meet all performance standards listed in Section 26C-325.3.
Small residential community care facility.
Attached commercial telecommunication facilities subject to the applicable criteria set forth in Section 26C-325.7.
Minor and intermediate free-standing commercial telecommunication facilities eighty feet (80′) or less in height subject to the applicable criteria set forth in Section 26C-325.7.
Noncommercial telecommunication facilities eighty feet (80′) or less in height which meet the applicable criteria set forth in Section 26C-325.7.
Small-scale homeless shelters serving up to ten (10) persons, subject to design review, within designated urban service areas.
Emergency homeless shelters with up to fifty (50) beds, subject to design review, within designated urban service areas.
Small wind energy systems subject to the applicable criteria set forth in Section 26C-325.8 and the height limit of the use (i.e. residential, commercial, or agricultural) to which the use is appurtenant.
Other nonresidential uses which in the opinion of the director of the permit and resource management department are of a similar and compatible nature to those uses described in Section 26C-150.
(Ord. No. 5429 § 5, 2003; Ord. No. 5343 § 3, 2002; Ord. No. 5318 § 1, 2001.)