Sonoma County |
Code of Ordinances |
Article II. Public Projects. |
§ 23A-15. Negative Declaration Public Project Decision.
If the public project is one which requires a determination under Government Code Section 65402 or is listed in Sec. 23A-4(v)(4), the Negative Declaration together with any written comment(s) thereon shall be made available by the Lead Department to the Planning Commission for its consideration and review unless the Planning Director waives the public hearing requirement pursuant to Board of Supervisors Resolution #65734. Thereafter, the Negative Declaration, written comments thereon, and Planning Commission recommendations shall be submitted to the Board of Supervisors prior to the Board's final action. In the event that the project does not require a determination under Government Code Section 65402 and is not included under Sec. 23A-4(v)(4), the Negative Declaration and written comments thereon shall be submitted directly to the Board of Supervisors by the Lead Department with the comments of the Planning Director.
The Board of Supervisors shall review and consider the Negative Declaration and comment(s), if any, and either adopt or reject the Negative Declaration prior to making a decision on the public project. If the Board of Supervisors rejects the Negative Declaration, then the Board may refer the project to the Lead Department for preparation of an Environmental Impact Report or disapprove the project. If the Board adopts the Negative Declaration, then it may proceed to approve or disapprove the public project.
In the event that subsequent changes are proposed in a project which will require important revisions of the previous EIR or Negative Declaration due to the involvement of new significant environmental impacts not addressed in the previous EIR or Negative Declaration on the project, then a revised environmental document shall be processed in accordance with this ordinance and the information contained therein shall be reviewed and considered prior to approval of said changes.
(Ord. No. 3411 § II.)