Sonoma County |
Code of Ordinances |
Article II. Public Projects. |
§ 23A-14. Negative Declaration: Public Notice and Review
In accordance with Sections 15072 and 15073 of the Guidelines, the Lead Department shall provide notice to the public of the preparation of a Negative Declaration at least ten (10) days prior to final adoption of the Negative Declaration by the Board of Supervisors unless the project will be considered by the Planning Commission pursuant to Sec. 23A-15 in which case the Lead Department shall provide such public notice at least ten (10) days prior to the Planning Commission's consideration. In either case, notice shall at minimum, state the name and location of the proposed project, the name and address of the Department where the Negative Declaration and written comments, if any, can be reviewed, where written comments should be sent and the deadline for receiving all written comments. Notice shall also describe the nature of the project in a manner that can reasonably be understood by the lay public. Notice shall also be provided to all persons and entities who have requested notice pursuant to Section 23A-11(c).
The Lead Department shall provide notice of a proposed Negative Declaration to every Responsible agency and Trustee agency concerned with the project and every other public agency with jurisdiction by law over natural resources affected by the project. In the event that the Negative Declaration must be submitted to the State Clearinghouse for review pursuant to Sections 15073, 15205, and 15206 of the Guidelines, the noticed review period shall be at least thirty (30) days unless a shorter period is approved by the Clearinghouse.
(Ord. No. 3411 § II.)