Effective thirty (30) days after adoption, the annual fee for registering weighing
and measuring devices to be used throughout the term of the registration shall be
as set forth below, provided, however, for the total portion of the annual registration
fee consisting of the business location fee and the device fees for computing and
miscellaneous scales; and retail motor fuel, taxi, retail water, fabric, cord, wire
and miscellaneous meters; shall not exceed the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00)
for each type of device at a business location:
Business Location Fee
Device Fees:
Electric Sub-meter
Vapor Sub-meter
Water Sub-meter
Fabric/Cord/Wire Meter
Miscellaneous Meters
Retail Motor Fuel Meter
Retail Water Meter
Taxi Meter
Vehicle Meter
Wholesale Meter
Liquefied Petroleum Gas Meter
Computing Scale
Counter Scale
Hanging Scale
Platform Scale
Prescription/Jewelers Scale
Miscellaneous Scales
Animal Scale
Livestock Scale (2,000—<10,000 lbs.)
Crane Scale
Dormant Scale
Hopper Scale (2,000—<10,000 lbs.)
Livestock Scale (≥10,000 lbs.)
Monorail Scale
Hopper Scale (≥10,000 lbs.)
Vehicle Scale
For a Sonoma County certified agricultural producer who uses a weighing or measuring
device solely to sell at a California Certified Farmer's Market (must possess a current
valid Sonoma County certified producer's certificate, and have the device(s) sealed
in the Sealer's Santa Rosa Office location), the annual business location and device
registration fees for such weighing or measuring device(s) shall be fifty (50) percent
of the amount shown above.
These fees shall remain in effect until changed by an ordinance adopted pursuant to section 30-6 of the Sonoma County Code, as set forth in this article.