§ 26D-6. Exemptions.
The provisions of this chapter are not applicable to the following and no permit or compliance is required. This chapter does not require a permit for trimming, pruning or maintenance of heritage or landmark trees as long as there is no damage to the tree and there is no violation of any provisions of this chapter.
Trees within incorporated city limits;
Commercial timber operations on private land subject to the Z'berg-Nejedly Forest Practice Act of 1973. (Chapter 8 of Division 4 of the Public Resources Code) Refer to Section 26D-4;
Removal of trees on lands owned by the United States of America or the state of California;
Removal of any tree when such removal is authorized by the California Department of Forestry;
Removal of any tree when authorized by other ordinances or laws of the county of Sonoma, the state of California, or the United States of America;
In the case of an emergency where a tree is in a hazardous, dangerous or unhealthy condition so as to endanger life, property or other members of its own species, any members of the sheriff's department, fire department, county department of agriculture, department of public works, water agency or the planning department may authorize removal of such trees;
Any utility company licensed by the California Public Utilities Commission is exempt from the requirement of obtaining a permit so that they or their agents may maintain the required clearance around power lines.
(Ord. No. 3651 § 5, 1986.)