Sonoma County |
Code of Ordinances |
Article XXXII. General Use and Bulk Exceptions; Building Lines. |
§ 26C-323. General yard regulations and exceptions.
In the case of a through lot abutting on two streets, no building shall be located so as to encroach upon the front yard required on either street. This provision may be waived for swimming pools when it is demonstrated to the satisfaction of the director of the permit and resource management department that the location will not be detrimental to the health, safety or welfare of adjacent land uses or properties. The director of the permit and resource management department may require a use permit or signatures from adjacent property owners.
Any dwelling use to be located in any C district shall provide front, side and rear yards as required in the R2 district; provided, that this shall not apply to any dwelling use to be located over a commercial or industrial establishment.
Where irregular lot shapes prevent the direct determination of the area and yard requirements for a lot, the planning director of the permit and resource management department shall make such determinations as necessary for the administration of this chapter.
In any case where an official plan line has been established as part of the street and highway plan, the required yards on the street side shall be measured from such official plan line, and in no case shall the provisions of this chapter be construed as permitting any structure to extend beyond any such official plan line.
In any case where a building setback line or building envelope has been established by a recorded parcel map, final subdivision map, or the coastal plan, and said setback is different from the setback required by the zoning district in which the parcel is located, the established building setback line cannot be waived by the director of the permit and resource management department nor through a variance procedure.
Protect and encourage agricultural production by establishing a buffer between agricultural production on lands either designated in one of the three agricultural land use categories in the general plan or lands included within the AR zoning district, where any such lands abut a non-agricultural land use conducted on land outside the three general plan land use categories. Generally, buffers shall be defined as a physical separation of one hundred feet (100′) to two hundred feet (200′). These may be modified based upon topographic feature, a substantial tree stand, water course or similar existing feature. In some circumstances, a landscaped berm or other man-made feature may enhance the buffer. The requirement for buffer may be modified after hearing by the advisory agency following a written recommendation by the agricultural commissioner.
Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 26C-350 (non-conforming uses) where the imposition of the buffer creates a non-conforming condition, expansion or modification of such use may be permitted provided that encroachment into the setback does not exceed that of the existing structure.
Agricultural production as used herein means either an existing agricultural operation or an agricultural operation that would be a reasonably anticipated use. No buffer or setback shall be created by the acquisition of a portion of a parcel devoted to an agricultural operation.
The provisions of this section shall only apply to discretionary permits which are either appealable pursuant to the chapter or over which the board of supervisors has original jurisdiction.
In any TP, LIA, LEA, DA, RRD, RRDWA, AR or RR district the required yard standards may be reduced when the director of the permit and resource management department finds that such reduction(s) are appropriate in light of topography, vegetation, or unique physical characteristics. In determining such findings, consideration will also be given to visibility from public roads and adjacent properties. Such reduction shall not result in a front yard of less than ten feet for any garage or carport opening. The director of the permit and resource management department may require a use permit or signatures from adjacent property owners.
(Ord. No. 5318 § 1, 2001.)