§ 26C-290. Preliminary development plan requirements.  

Latest version.
  • All development shall be planned as a unit. Applications for design review approval shall be accompanied by a development plan, including the entire parcel or parcels to be developed.

    Approval of the preliminary development plan shall concentrate on the general acceptability of land uses, open space configuration, conformity to the general plan and coastal plan, specific uses and densities proposed and their interrelationships and relationship to the surroundings. The preliminary development plan application shall include the following:


    Proposed land uses, showing general location of open space, building areas and specific uses;


    The proposed maximum density for residential uses measured in units per gross acre;


    The type and location of proposed major public facilities;


    Topography at intervals determined by the director of the permit and resource management department;


    A tabulations of the total land area and percentage thereof designated for various uses;


    General circulation pattern indicating both public and private vehicular and pedestrian ways, including trail systems where proposed;


    Relationships of present and future land uses to the surrounding area and any adopted general plan, specific plan, or area land use plan;


    A statement of provisions for ultimate ownership and maintenance of all parts of the development, including streets, structures and open space;


    A preliminary report indicating provisions for storm drainage, sewage, disposal, grading and public utilities;


    Delineation of development staging, if any;


    Significant natural features such as trees, rock outcroppings and bodies of water;


    Existing man-made features and areas where natural materials are to be deposited and removed;


    Methods of preventing soil erosion or slippage;


    Any other data deemed necessary by the director of the permit and resource management department.

(Ord. No. 5318 § 1, 2001.)