Sonoma County |
Code of Ordinances |
Article XVI. AS—Agricultural Services District. |
§ 26C-161. Uses requiring a use permit.
Sensitive Area Uses:
Permitted uses listed in Section 26C-160 when located within a sensitive area, riparian corridor, critical habitat area, or unique feature designated in the general plan or coastal plan.
Any clearing of vegetation, grading, excavation, fill or construction when located within a sensitive area, riparian corridor, critical habitat area, or unique feature designated in the general plan or coastal plan.
Principal Uses:
Livestock feed yards, animal sales yards.
Commercial mushroom farming.
Retail nurseries which involve products not grown on the site.
Agricultural support services with more than one employee or occupying more than one-half acre of land.
Slaughterhouses, animal processing plants, rendering plants, fertilizer plants or yards which serve agricultural production in the local area.
Processing, storage, bottling, canning, or similar activities involving agricultural products of a type grown, produced, or processed in the local area.
Production or marketing services related to agricultural production in the local area.
Farm equipment sales and repair.
Residential Uses:
One (1) caretaker unit per lot in rural areas as defined in the general plan.
Other Uses:
Large residential community care facility.
Day care center.
Amplified live music.
Minor public utility buildings and public service or utility uses (transmission, distribution lines and telecommunications facilities excepted) including, but not limited to, reservoirs, storage tanks, pumping stations, telephone exchanges, small power and transformer station, fire and police stations and training centers, service yards, and parking lots which, at a minimum, meet the criteria of General Plan Policy PF-2s and which are not otherwise exempt by state law.
Intermediate and major free-standing commercial telecommunication facilities subject at a minimum to the applicable criteria set forth in Section 26C-325.7.
Noncommercial telecommunication facilities greater than eighty feet (80′) in height subject at a minimum to the applicable criteria set forth in Section 26C-325.7.
Exploration and development of low temperature geothermal resources for other than power development purposes provided that at a minimum it is compatible with surrounding land uses.
Agricultural cultivation in the following areas for which a management plan has not been approved pursuant to Section 26C-325.7:
Within one hundred feet (100′) from the top of the bank of the "Russian River Riparian Corridor."
Within fifty feet (50′) from the top of the bank of designated "flatland riparian corridors."
Within twenty-five feet (25′) from the top of the bank of the designated "upland riparian corridors."
Granges and similar community service facilities which do not adversely impact agriculture in the area.
Other nonresidential uses which in the opinion of the director of the permit and resource management department are of a similar and compatible nature to those uses described in Section 26C-161.
(Ord. No. 5318 § 1, 2001.)