Sonoma County |
Code of Ordinances |
Article XII. PC—Planned Community District. |
§ 26C-124. Precise development plan.
For uses and subdivisions not satisfying the minimum requirements of Section 26C-122, a precise development plan (use permit) must precede the filing of an application for tentative map or zoning permit.
The precise development plan shall be a precise, graphic and written representation of the applicant's intended development describing:
Location and description of all buildings.
Vehicular circulation.
Pedestrian circulation.
Topography at contour intervals determined by the director of the permit and resource management department.
Drainage plan.
Building elevations.
Landscaping and maintenance provisions therefore.
Gross area, lot area and open areas calculated to the nearest tenth of an acre.
Delineation of those subunits to be constructed in progression.
Other information deemed necessary by the director of the permit and resource management department.
The maintenance of and perpetual existence of required open areas shall be guaranteed by creation of entities and the imposition of real conditions, covenants and restrictions as required by county counsel.
In the event that a subdivision map is not required for approval of the entirety of any general or precise plan of planned community, such approval shall not become effective until conveyances for any required public easements, streets, rights of way, or other public areas shall have been filed with the county surveyor and accepted by the board of supervisors. Where any land is to be conveyed for public use, a title report issued by a title insurance company in the name of the owner of the land, issued to or for the benefit and protection of the county of Sonoma showing all parties whose consent is necessary and the nature of their interest therein, shall be filed with the conveyances of such land.
Where public improvements are to be constructed or where improvements are to be made upon lands to be conveyed to the county of Sonoma, the landowner shall execute and file an agreement between himself and the county providing for the installation of such improvements at the landowner's cost and expense, and in accordance with the approved development improvement agreement and bonds provided for herein shall be considered in a like manner as are requirements upon improvement agreements and bonds under regulations for subdivisions. Such improvement agreement and bonds shall be deemed to include and cover the installation of landscaping and planting as required by an approved plan thereof whether such landscaping and planting shall be upon public or private lands.
(Ord. No. 5318 § 1, 2001.)