§ 26-88-127. Homeless shelters.  

Latest version.
  • This section establishes standards for the siting and operation of homeless shelters. The purpose of these standards is to ensure that the development and operation of small-scale and emergency homeless shelters do not adversely impact adjacent parcels or the surrounding residents and businesses. It is intended that these provisions protect the heath, safety and welfare of the county's residents while ensuring that standards imposed on a shelter not serve as constraints, but rather serve to encourage and facilitate the development and operation of such facilities. The following performance standards shall apply to homeless shelters:


    Permit Requirements. Homeless shelters may require a use permit, depending on their type and location, as provided in the regulations for the base districts in which they are allowed.


    Property Development Standards. Homeless shelters shall conform to all property development standards of the zoning district in which they are located except as modified by these performance standards.


    Maximum Number of Persons/Beds. Small-scale homeless shelters shall serve no more than ten (10) persons. Emergency homeless shelters shall be limited to not more than fifty (50) persons served on a year-round basis, but during seasonal or emergency events of flooding, extreme temperature, or natural disaster, such shelters shall not be limited with regard to number of persons served, subject to occupancy limits of the Building Code, so long as the operating conditions set forth in this section are met.


    Lighting. Adequate external lighting shall be provided for security purposes. The lighting shall be stationary, downward cast and fully shielded, shall be directed away from adjacent properties and public rights-of-way, and shall be of an intensity compatible with the neighborhood.


    Security. Parking facilities shall be designed to provide security for residents, visitors, and employees.


    Common Facilities. Shelters are encouraged but not required to provide the following common facilities for the exclusive use of the residents:


    Central cooking and dining room(s);


    Common recreation room;


    Office with services for residents;


    Laundry facilities adequate for the number of residents.


    On-Site Parking. On-site parking for homeless shelters, including bicycle parking, shall be subject to requirements set forth in Article 86.


    Secure Storage. Shelters are encouraged but not required to provide secure, locked storage facilities for residents' personal belongings.


    Outdoor Activity. For the purposes of noise abatement in residential districts or adjacent to residential uses, outdoor activities may only be conducted between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.


    Concentration of Uses. No more than one emergency homeless shelter shall be permitted within a radius of one thousand (1,000) feet from another such shelter.


    Health and Safety Standards. All homeless shelters must comply with all standards set forth in Title 25 of the California Administrative Code (Part 1, Chapter F, Subchapter 12, Section 7972).

(Ord. No. 5883, § IV, 5-30-2010.)