Parking Spaces
(a) Bicycle Parking
All commercial, industrial and institutional uses permitted by this chapter
1 bicycle parking space per 5 spaces of required automobile parking
(b) Residential (except as otherwise specified by this chapter)
One single-family dwelling
1 covered space
One duplex
2 covered spaces
One triplex
3 covered spaces
Single mobile homes
1 covered space/unit
Travel trailer parks
1 space/10 coach sites
Condominiums and planned unit developments
1 covered space/unit plus 1 uncovered guest space/unit
Multi-family projects
1 covered parking space plus ½ uncovered guest parking space for each dwelling unit.
An additional ½ parking space shall be provided for each dwelling unit having more
than 2 bedrooms.
1 space per unit
Affordable housing projects provided pursuant to Section 26.89.050 (Density bonus
1 space for each studio or 1-bedroom unit; 2 spaces for each 2- or more bedroom unit
Cottage Housing Developments
1 reserved space per unit, and 1 guest parking space for every 3 units or portion
SRO facilities
1 space for every 2 SRO rooms, plus 1 space for the management unit or office and
1 space for each employee, if any, on maximum shift.
Homeless shelters
1 space for every 6 beds, plus 1 space for the management unit or office and 1 space
for each employee, if any, on maximum shift.
Home occupations
1 parking space, in addition to that required by the residential use of the property.
Live/work units
1 parking space, in addition to that required by the residential use of the property.
An additional parking space shall be provided for each non-resident employee.
Work/live units
2 spaces/unit (need not be covered)
Senior mobile home parks
1 space per unit PLUS 1 guest parking space for every 3 mobile homes in accordance
with Section 26-88-100 (Mobile home parks).
Family mobile home parks
2 spaces per unit PLUS 1 guest parking space for every 3 mobile homes in accordance
with Section 26-88-100 (Mobile home parks).
(c) Medical offices, clinics, hospitals and other facilities
Dental and medical clinics
1 space/200 sq. ft. of floor area whichever is greater
Veterinary hospitals and offices
1 space/250 sq. ft. floor area
Major medical facilities; hospitals
1 space/250 sq. ft. floor area
Group care facilities and resocialization facilities
2 covered spaces
Medical cannabis dispensary
2 spaces, including at least 1 van-accessible space; plus 1 additional space for every
200 square feet of gross floor area, plus 1 additional space for each employee on
maximum shift; but in no case less than 5 off-street parking spaces
(d) Schools, colleges, universities
Kindergarten and nursery schools and day care centers
1 space/employee PLUS 1 space/10 children
Elementary and junior high schools
1 space/employee PLUS 1 space/8 students
Senior high schools
1 space/employee PLUS 1 space/6 students
Colleges, universities and institutions of higher learning; business and professional
schools and colleges; music and dancing schools
1 space/employee PLUS 1 space/3 students
Large family daycare
At least 3 spaces which may include spaces provided to fulfill residential parking
requirements and on-street parking so long as it directly abuts the site.
(e) Places of public assembly
Auditoriums, community centers
1 space/4 seats or 1 space/75 sq. ft. floor area, whichever is greater
Libraries, museums, art galleries
1 space/300 sq. ft. floor area
Sports arenas, stadiums
1 space/4 seats
Dance halls
1 space/50 sq. ft. floor area
1 space/4 seats
Private clubs and lodges
1 space/100 sq. ft. floor area
Churches, chapels
1 space/4 seats or 1 space/75 sq. ft. floor area, whichever is greater
Mortuaries, crematoriums and columbariums
1 space/4 seats in sanctuary
(f) Recreational facilities
1 space/4 fixed seats
Skating rinks
1 space/100 sq. ft. floor area
Bowling alleys
5 spaces/alley
Golf courses
7 spaces/hole
Golf driving ranges
1 space/tee
Miniature golf courses
2 spaces/hole
Billiard and/or pool parlors
2 spaces/table
Swimming pools - public, private and commercial
1 space/100 sq. ft. pool area
Baseball parks
1 space/4 seats
Commercial stables and riding academies
1 space/3 horses
Auto race tracks, horse race tracks
1 space/4 seats
(g) Commercial facilities, offices
General retail, except as otherwise specified
1 space/200 sq. ft. floor area
Offices including all county offices, except as otherwise specified
1 space/250 sq. ft. floor area with a minimum of 4 spaces
Stores selling furniture and major appliances only
1 space per 500 sq. ft. area
Hotels, motels and similar lodging
1 space/unit plus 1 space for manager
Bed and breakfast inns
1 space/guest room PLUS 2 spaces for the resident family
Motor vehicle sales
1 space/500 sq. ft. floor area or 1 space/2000 sq. ft. of outdoor sales area, with
a minimum of 4 spaces
Auto repair shops, body and fender shops
1 space/400 sq. ft. floor area
Self-serve laundries and dry cleaners
1 space/3 washing machines
Self-serve auto washes
2 spaces/stall
Barber shops, beauty and styling
3 spaces/barber or salons stylist, with a minimum of 4 spaces
Health studios
1 space/100 sq. ft. floor area
Contractor's storage yards
1 space/3000 sq. ft. lot area
Nurseries, retail
1 space/2000 sq. ft. site area PLUS 1 15′ × 30′ loading space/acre
Feed yards, fuel yards, material yards
1 space/2000 sq. ft. site area PLUS 1 15′ × 30′ loading space/acre
1 space/250 sq. ft. floor area PLUS 5 tandem land spaces/teller or teller station
Savings and loan and other financial institutions, title companies
1 space/250 sq. ft. floor area
Shopping centers
1 space/200 sq. ft. floor area
Cabinet, plumbing, heating, electrical shops
1 space/500 sq. ft. floor area
General business and professional offices
1 space/250 sq. ft. floor area, with a minimum of 4 spaces
Antique shops, second hand sales
1 space/200 sq. ft. floor area,
1 space/60 sq. ft. dining area
Outdoor markets, flea markets, etc.
1 space/200 sq. ft. sales area, with a minimum of 4 spaces
All uses permitted in the MP (Industrial Park) District
1 space/2000 sq. ft. gross building floor area for warehousing
1 space/250 sq. ft. gross building floor area for office space for buildings having
15,000 square feet or less of office space
1 space/275 sq. ft. gross building floor area of office space for buildings having
more than 15,000 sq. ft. of office space
1 space/500 sq. ft. of area devoted to manufacturing