Sonoma County |
Code of Ordinances |
Article 22. R2 Medium Density Residential District. |
§ 26-22-030. Permitted residential density and development criteria.
The use of land and structures within this district is subject to this article, the applicable regulations of this chapter, and the provisions of any district which is combined herewith. Policies and criteria of the general plan and any applicable specific or area plan or local area development guidelines shall supersede the standards herein.
Residential developments of two (2) to four (4) units shall be subject to the development standards set forth below, except that cottage housing developments shall be subject to the standards in Section 26-88-263 (Cottage Housing Developments). Multifamily developments of five (5) or more units shall be subject to the high density residential (R3) development standards set forth in Section 26-24-030.
Residential density shall be between six (6) and twelve (12) units per acre as shown in the general plan land use or housing element or that density permitted by a "B" combining district, whichever is more restrictive, provided however that a density bonus and further incentives may be granted in compliance with applicable provisions of Article 89 (Affordable Housing Program). All applications for a discretionary approval shall be designed to meet at a minimum, the density requirements shown in the general plan land use element or on the sectional district maps, whichever is more restrictive, provided however, that a lesser density may be approved if the body deciding the application determines that such a reduction in density is necessary to mitigate a particular significant effect on the environment and that no other specific mitigation measure or alternative would provide a comparable lessening of the significant impact. Nothing set forth in this section shall be construed to prohibit the construction of one (1) single-family dwelling on a single lot of record.
Maximum Building Height.
Thirty-five feet (35′) for main structures; provided, that where an R2 district abuts an R1 or RR district, for each four feet (4′) of building height in excess of fifteen feet (15′) the side yard setback shall be increased by one foot (1′). In all cases, where the side yard abuts a north, northwesterly or northeasterly property line and the proposed main building exceeds fifteen feet (15′) in height the applicant shall submit at the time of application evidence to show that the proposed building shall not cast a shadow greater than ten percent (10%) of the solar collection absorption area on the adjacent lot at any one (1) time between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on December 21st local standard time.
Maximum height for telecommunication facilities is subject to the provisions of this article and Section 26-88-130.
Minimum Lot Size. Six thousand (6,000) square feet.
Minimum Lot Width. The minimum average lot width required within each lot is sixty feet (60′).
Maximum Lot Coverage. Fifty percent (50%).
Yard Requirements. The following shall apply except that if the subject property adjoins land which is zoned AR or designated as agricultural land, the use is subject to the requirements of Section 26-88-040(g).
Front Yard. Not less than twenty feet (20′) provided, however, that no structure shall be located closer than forty-five feet (45′) from the centurion of any public road, street or highway. Front yard requirements may be reduced up to five feet (5′) in order to obtain an average of twenty feet (20′).
Side Yard. Not less than five feet (5′) except where the side yard abuts a street in which case such yard shall be the same as a front yard. On lots where access is gained to an interior court by way of a side yard, or where an entrance to a building faces the sideline, the side yard shall be not less than ten feet (10′).
Rear Yard. Not less than twenty feet (20′).
No garage or carport opening facing the street shall be located less than twenty feet (20′) from any exterior property line.
Parking Requirements. All uses shall provide parking in accordance with the standards in Article 86 (Required Parking) unless a different standard is provided for that particular use.
Where planned developments and condominiums are proposed, dwelling units may be attached; common walls will be permitted. The lot size, coverage and setback requirements of this section shall not apply to these planned developments and condominiums.
(Ord. No. 6247 , § II(Exh. C), 10-23-2018)