Sonoma County |
Code of Ordinances |
Article 16. AR Agriculture and Residential District. |
§ 26-16-020. Uses permitted with a use permit.
Uses permitted with a use permit include the following:
The raising, feeding, maintaining and breeding of poultry, fowl, rabbits, fur-bearing animals or animals such as veal calves, pigs, hogs and the like, which are continuously confined in and around barns, corrals and similar areas for other than domestic purposes. Incidental processing of such animals which are raised on site. This subsection shall not be interpreted so as to require a use permit for animals allowed by Sections 26-16-010(f) or (g);
Agricultural cultivation in the following areas, for which a management plan has not been approved by the planning director pursuant to Section 26-16-010(h):
Within one hundred feet (100') of the top of the bank in the Russian River Riparian Corridor,
Within fifty feet (50') of the top of the bank in designated flatland riparian corridors,
Within twenty-five feet (25') of the top of the bank in designated upland riparian corridors;
Retail nurseries involving crops/plants which are not grown on the site, except that such facilities are not allowed on land subject to a Williamson Act contract;
Indoor growing and harvesting of shrubs, plants, flowers, trees, vines, fruits, vegetables, hay, grain and similar food and fiber crops other than cannabis, in greenhouses or similar structures of eight hundred (800) square feet or more, conducted and maintained in compliance with Article 65, RC Riparian Corridor Combining Zone;
Commercial kennels, veterinary clinics for farm animals but not for companion and exotic animals. Any such use on a parcel under a Williamson Act contract must be consistent with Government Code Section 51200 et seq. (the Williamson Act) and local rules and regulations; (Ord. No. 3403)
Commercial stables not permitted under Section 26-16-010(n), riding academies, equestrian riding and driving clubs. Any such use on a parcel under a Williamson Act contract must be consistent with Government Code Section 51200 et seq. (the Williamson Act) and local rules and regulations;
Game preserves, refuges and hunting clubs. Any such use on a parcel under a Williamson Act contract must be consistent with Government Code Section 51200 et seq. (the Williamson Act) and local rules and regulations;
Commercial mushroom farming;
Noncommercial clubs and lodges, golf courses and driving ranges, but not including miniature golf courses, except that such facilities are not allowed on land subject to a Williamson Act contract;
Live/work uses in conjunction with a legally established single family residential unit subject to the requirements of Section 26-88-122. Any live/work use on a parcel under a Williamson Act contract must be consistent with Government Code Section 51200 et seq. (the Williamson Act) and local rules and regulations;
Public schools; private nursery, primary and secondary schools; places of religious worship; and places of public or community assembly, all subject, at a minimum, to the criteria of General Plan Policy LU-6e except that such uses are not permitted on land subject to a Williamson Act contract;
Cemeteries, mausoleums, columbariums and crematoriums, except on land subject to a Williamson Act contract;
Minor public service uses or facilities (transmission and distribution lines and telecommunication facilities excepted), including, but not limited to reservoirs, storage tanks, pumping stations, and transformer stations. Any such use on a parcel under a Williamson Act contract must be consistent with Government Code Section 51200 et seq. (the Williamson Act) and local rules and regulations;
Fire and police stations and training centers, service yards and parking lots which, at a minimum, meet the criteria of General Plan Policy PF-2 t and which are not otherwise exempt by state law. Such facilities are not permitted on land subject to a Williamson Act contract;
Large residential community care facility, except on land subject to a Williamson Act contract;
Exploration and development of low temperature geothermal resources for other than power development purposes provided that at a minimum it is compatible with surrounding land uses. Any such use on a parcel under a Williamson Act contract must be consistent with Government Code Section 51200 et seq. (the Williamson Act) and local rules and regulations;
Bed and breakfast inns containing not more than five (5) guest rooms, subject to design review and compliance with Section 26-88-118;
Day care center, except on land subject to a Williamson Act contract;
Craft sales and garage sales involving three (3) or four (4) sales days per year;
Intermediate and major freestanding commercial telecommunication facilities subject at a minimum to the applicable criteria set forth in Section 26-88-130. Any such use on a parcel under a Williamson Act contract must be consistent with Government Code Section 51200 et seq. (the Williamson Act) and local rules and regulations;
Noncommercial telecommunication facilities greater than eighty feet (80') in height subject at a minimum to the applicable criteria set forth in Section 26-88-130;
Small wind energy systems located within a county-designated urban service area or within two thousand five hundred feet (2,500') of a county-designated urban service area, subject to the standards in Section 26-88-135. Any such use on a parcel under a Williamson Act contract must be consistent with Government Code Section 51200 et seq. (the Williamson Act) and local rules and regulations;
Processing of agricultural products grown or produced on site, and bottling, canning, or storage of agricultural products grown and processed on site, consistent with the criteria of General Plan Policies AR-5c and AR-5g, and subject to the following conditions:
The combined square footage of all buildings in which the processing or storage occurs shall not exceed 2,500 square feet on parcels of five acres or less in size, and shall not exceed 5,000 square feet on parcels greater than five acres in size;
Importation of agricultural products from offsite sources within the county shall not exceed an amount equal to 30 percent of the average onsite agricultural production. This limitation shall not apply during periods of catastrophic crop or animal loss caused by extreme weather, pestilence, or similar conditions.
Other nonresidential uses which in the opinion of the planning director are of a similar and compatible nature to those uses described in this section.
Small-scale farm retail sales facility.
(Ord. No. 6189 , § II(L), 12-20-2016; Ord. No. 6145, § V , 3-15-2016; Ord. No. 6081, § VI, 7-29-2014; Ord. No. 5964, § VII, 1-31-2012; Ord. No. 5908, § II, 11-9-2010; Ord. No. 5883, § III, 3-30-2010; Ord. No. 5569, § 7, 2005; Ord. No. 5435, § 2(o), 2003; Ord. No. 5429, § 3, 2003; Ord. No. 5361, § 2(o), 2002; Ord. No. 5342, § 5, 2002; Ord. No. 5265, 1(i), 2001; Ord. No. 4973, § 5(b), (c), 1996; Ord. No. 4781, § 2(B), 1994; Ord. No. 4643, 1993; Ord. No. 3376; Ord. No. 3662; Ord. No. 3403)