§ 25D-6. Applications for residential development  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Where the findings required by Sonoma County Code sections 25C-11 and 25C-13 have been made, each application for a proposed residential development involving property located within the jurisdiction of an impacted school district shall include a written statement from the district stating whether the district will be able to provide adequate school services and facilities for the proposed residential development.


    If the district states that it will not be able to provide adequate school services and facilities, it shall include an explanation of its reasons for that statement, and a description of measures concurrently undertaken or planned or any other measures deemed necessary to provide adequate school services and facilities to meet the needs of the proposed residential development. Such measures may include private contribution, school impact fees, or dedications pursuant to Sonoma County Code Chapter 25C. (c) If the district determines that school impact fees or dedications of land for interim facilities pursuant to Chapter 25C will not be sufficient to provide adequate school services and facilities concurrently with need, the district shall determine what reasonable mitigation is necessary to provide adequate school services and facilities concurrently with need and shall certify whether the developer has agreed to modify his or her project to incorporate the mitigation determined to be necessary by the district.


    Unless otherwise required by law, no application for residential development shall be accepted as complete or approved until the impacted district states in accordance with this chapter 25D, Chapter 25C or a school facilities ordinance adopted in connection with a specific plan as set forth in section 25D-10 of this chapter that adequate public school facilities will be provided by the developer concurrently with the need generated by the proposed residential development.


    Contributions, fees, or dedications authorized by this Chapter 25D may be used for the purpose of purchasing future sites for educational facilities, constructing new facilities, or for repairing or rehabilitating existing facilities.