§ 25B-3. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:

    "Abandoned boring" means a boring that has not been properly refilled with cuttings and/or grout, as applicable, after construction has been completed, unless otherwise approved by the enforcing agency.

    "Abandoned well" means a well, other than an "inactive well," whose use has been discontinued for one (1) year or longer, or has been permanently discontinued, or is in such a state of disrepair that it cannot be used for its original purpose.

    "Annular seal" means a watertight seal of approved material placed between the well casing and the sidewall of the boring excavation.

    "Annular space" means the space between an excavation and the casing of a well or the space between two (2) concentric casings.

    "Area of special flood hazard" means the land in the floodplain within a community subject to a one percent (1%) or greater chance of flooding in any given year as determined by the Federal Insurance Administration in the most recent scientific and engineering report entitled, "The Flood Insurance Study for the County of Sonoma".

    "Bacteriological compounds" mean bacteria, viruses, and protozoa that are disease causing agents (pathogenic) commonly found in the human or animal gut.

    "Boring" means an artificially constructed, generally uncased, temporary hole below the original ground surface, made with rotary, air, water jet, direct push or similar technology, for the purpose of exploration of the subsurface of the earth for building or structure foundation, presence of water, or any other purpose other than construction of a well.

    "Cathodic protection well" means a well constructed for the purpose of installing equipment or facilities for the electrical protection of metallic equipment in contact with the ground.

    "Class I well" means a well constructed with a minimum twenty-foot deep annular seal.

    "Class II well" means a well constructed with a minimum fifty-foot deep annular seal.

    "Contaminant" means any physical, chemical, biological, or radiological substance or matter in water or soil that has potential to result in an adverse effect on human or animal health.

    "Contaminated site" means a site that has soil or groundwater contamination that exceeds California Primary Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs).

    "Contaminated well" means a well that produces groundwater that exceeds California Primary MCLs.

    "Contamination" means any contaminant that exceeds the California Primary MCLs.

    "Destroyed well or boring" means a well or boring that has been destroyed pursuant to this chapter.

    "Dewatering well" means an artificial excavation constructed by any method for the removal or hydraulic control of groundwater for construction purposes or during a groundwater or soil remediation project.

    "Drilling fluid" means a fluid used in drilling operations to remove cuttings from the borehole, to clean and cool the bit, to reduce friction between the drill stem and the borehole wall, and to prevent caving or sloughing of the borehole.

    "Elevator jack shaft" means a device designed to house hydraulic ram equipment used to lift an elevator. An elevator jack shaft is housed in a borehole drilled and a casing advanced.

    "Embankment reservoir" means an off-stream reservoir that utilizes embankments or manmade structures to impound water.

    "Environmental drilling" means the subsurface exploration for contaminants and hazardous substances that may potentially impact soil and groundwater.

    "Environmental well" means any artificial excavation by any method for the purpose of monitoring fluctuations in groundwater levels, quality of underground waters, or the concentration of contaminants in underground waters related to environmental remediation sites, or for the purpose of extraction or hydraulic control over contaminants or contaminated groundwater, or for the purpose of in-situ treatment of contaminated groundwater.

    "Enforcing agency" means the agency identified by Table 25B-1 as having the responsibility and authority to review, and approve or deny the permit applications described in this chapter.

    "Feed yard/lot" means commercial corrals or commercial holding areas for the primary purpose of holding or feeding animals (including fowl).

    "Geothermal heat exchange well" means any uncased artificial excavation, by any method, that uses the heat exchange capacity of the earth for heating and cooling, in which excavation the ambient ground temperature is thirty (30) degrees Celsius (eighty-six (86) degrees Fahrenheit) or less, and which excavation uses a closed loop fluid system to prevent the discharge or escape of its fluid into surrounding aquifers or other geologic formations. Geothermal heat exchange wells include ground source heat pump wells.

    "Geotechnical boring" means any boring constructed in the earth below the original ground surface solely for exploring or testing subsurface earth or groundwater.

    "Groundwater availability area" means the four zones depicted on the map entitled "groundwater availability" which is on file with the Sonoma County permit and resource management department and available for public inspection.

    "Grout" means a fluid mixture of cement and water of a consistency that can be forced through a pipe and placed as required. Various additives, such as sand, bentonite, and hydrated lime, are used to meet certain requirements. For example, sand is added when considerable volume of grout is needed.

    "Hazardous material" means a material or substance that poses substantial or potential threats to public health or the environment.

    "High volume well" means a well intending to serve twenty (20) or more acres of irrigated crops; a municipal well intending to serve fifteen (15) or more connections; or a commercial/industrial well intending to deliver thirty-five thousand (35,000) or more gallons per day.

    "Horizontal well" means a water wells drilled horizontally or at an angle with the horizon (as contrasted with the common vertical well). This definition does not apply to horizontal drains or "wells" constructed to remove subsurface water from hillsides, cuts, or fills (such installations are used to prevent or correct conditions that produce landslides).

    "Inactive well" means a well whose use has been discontinued and the owner has declared in writing to the enforcing agency the intention to use such well again for supplying water or for other approved purposes.

    "Individual water well" means a water well furnishing water for human consumption and general use to four (4) or less service connections or serves an average of less than twenty-five (25) individuals daily.

    "Inorganic compounds" mean any compound that does not contain carbon. For purposes of this ordinance, inorganic compounds refer to the MCLs for inorganics and include materials such as fertilizers or decayed organic materials, chlorides, and mineral metals.

    "Known contaminated sites" are those identified on the state water resources control board databases (landfills, underground storage tanks, etc.) or areas known to governmental bodies that have groundwater and/or soil contamination.

    "Lake" means a permanent natural body of water of any size, or an artificially impounded body of water having a source area of at least one (1) acre, isolated from the sea, and having an area of open water of sufficient depth and permanency to prevent complete coverage by rooted aquatic plants. As used in this chapter, lake does not include embankment reservoirs.

    "Maximum contaminant level (MCL)" means the highest level of a contaminant that is allowed in drinking water by the state of California.

    "Monitoring well" means any artificial excavation by any method for the purpose of monitoring fluctuations in groundwater levels or the quality of underground waters or studying the hydrologic conditions, except as exempt pursuant to Water Code Section 13712.5 as to crop root zones.

    "Piezometer" means any of various instruments used to determine water elevations in wells by measuring the static liquid pressure.

    "Pond" means a still, freshwater body that is smaller than a lake and often manmade. A pond can provide water for livestock, fish and wildlife, recreations, fire control, crop and orchard watering, and other related uses. As used in this chapter, pond does not include embankment reservoirs.

    "Potable ground water" means water below the surface of the ground at a depth such that it has been protected from surface contamination by an impervious soil stratum or which has received an acceptable degree of natural treatment by filtration through a considerable amount of soil.

    "Potable water" means water intended for human consumption which meets, at a minimum, state primary drinking water requirements as defined in Title 22 of the California Code of Regulations (or subsequent revisions) whether this water is supplied from ground water, treated ground water or any other source.

    "Public water well" means a water well furnishing water for human consumption and general use to five (5) or more service connections or serves an average of at least twenty-five (25) individuals daily at least sixty (60) days out of the year.

    "Replacement well" means the construction of a new well to replace an existing well.

    "Sewage disposal system" means a septic tank and subsurface disposal field or other type system or appurtenance thereto, whether public or private, receiving domestic or industrial sewage waste. Sewage disposal system includes proposed onsite sewage disposal areas for which appropriate testing has been approved. Sewage disposal system does not include a sewer pipe line.

    "Stream" means any natural channel with bed and banks containing flowing water or showing evidence of having contained flowing water (e.g. deposit of sand, gravel, or soil).

    "Site" means any lot or parcel of land or contiguous combination thereof where well construction or reconstruction is performed or permitted.

    "Test well" means a well constructed to obtain information needed for design of other wells. Test wells should not be confused with "exploration holes", which are temporary. Test wells are cased and can be converted to other uses such as groundwater monitoring and, under certain circumstances, to production wells.

    "Water quality" means the chemical, physical, radiological, biological, taste and/or odor characteristics of water with respect to its suitability for a particular purpose.

    "Well or water well" means any artificial excavation constructed by any method for the purposes of extracting water from, or injecting water into, the underground. This definition shall not include: (a) oil and gas wells, or geothermal wells constructed under the jurisdiction of the department of conservation, except those wells converted to use as water wells; or (b) wells used for the purpose of (1) dewatering excavations during construction, or (2) stabilizing hillsides or earth embankments; or (c) infiltration galleries and springs.

    "Well development" means the act of cleaning out the clay and silt introduced during the drilling process as well as the finer particles of the aquifer directly around the well screen prior to putting the well into service.

    "Well drilling contractor" means a person who is a licensed water well driller in the state of California and holds a valid C-57 contractor's license and who maintains a current workers' compensation insurance certificate on file with the enforcing agency.

    "Well reconstruction" means and includes certain work done to an existing water well in order to restore its production, replace defective casing, seal off certain stata or surface water or similar work. Well reconstruction does not include internal relining, the cleaning out of sediments or surging, or maintenance to the pump or appurtenances where the integrity of the annular seal or water bearing strata are not violated.

    "Well seal" means a water resistant joint between the pump or its plumbing and the well casing, or between the pump base and the concrete platform.

    "Well site" means the area surrounding the well having a circular shape with a radius of ten feet (10') centered at the well head.

    "Well vault" means a feature below the ground surface used to house the top of a well casing, a pump and/or a discharge pipe.

    "Wetlands" means land that is transitional between terrestrial and aquatic systems where the water table is usually at or near the surface or the land is covered by shallow water. Wetlands must have one (1) or more of the following three (3) attributes in the Coastal Zone, and two (2) or more of the following three (3) attributes in all other parts of the unincorporated area of the county:


    The land supports predominantly hydrophytes during the normal wet portion of the growing season.


    The substrate is predominantly undrained hydric soil.


    The substrate is saturated with water or covered by shallow water at some time during the normal wet portion of the growing season each year.

( Ord. No. 6121, § III(Exh. A) , 7-28-2015)