§ 25-49. Dimensions, bearings and curve data.
Whenever the County Surveyor has established a system of coordinates, then the survey shall be tied into such system. Until such time as the coordinate system is established, the survey shall be tied to one of the following: A recorded subdivision, a recorded survey, a section corner or quarter section corner of record or county or city survey monuments. The map shall show clearly what stakes, monuments or other evidences were found on the ground to determine the boundaries of the tract and the ties thereto. The adjoining corners of all adjoining subdivisions shall be identified by lot numbers, if any, tract name and place of record, or by section, township and range, or other proper designation.
Sufficient data should be shown to determine readily the bearing and length of every lot line, bloc line and boundary line. Dimensions of lots shall be given as to net dimensions to the boundaries of adjoining streets and shall be shown in feet and hundredths of feet. No ditto marks shall be used. Bearings and distances of straight lines, and radii, central angle and arc lengths for all curves as may be necessary to determine the location of the centers of curves shall be shown.
Whenever the County Surveyor or a city engineer has established the centerline of a street or alley, the data shall be shown on the final map, indicating all monuments found and making reference to a filled book or map. If the points were reset by ties, that fact shall be stated.
(Ord. No. 965 § 5.)