§ 25-40. Streets and highways.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The street and highway layout of each subdivision shall be based on the section of the streets and highways master plan, if such plan has been adopted for the portion of the county within which the subdivision lies. Where no such plan has been adopted, such subdivision layout shall conform to the suggestions of the planning commission and the requirements of this chapter.

    Public roads—Parcels which front onto a county road or state highway and which have a density of five (5) acres / unit or greater shall meet county grade, alignment, width, and surfacing standards for roads.

    Rights-of-way shall be a minimum of fifty (50) feet unless altered by PRAC.


    Widths of streets and highways shall conform to the standards established in Section 25-57.


    Reserved strips controlling the access to public ways, or which will not prove taxable for special improvements, shall not be approved unless such strips are necessary for the protection of the public welfare or substantial property rights, or both, and in no case except in which the control and disposal of the land comprising such strips is placed definitely within the jurisdiction of the county under conditions approved by the planning commission.


    All streets shall, as far as practicable, be in alignment with existing adjacent streets by continuations of the centerlines thereof, or by adjustments by curves, and shall be in general conformity with the plans made for the most advantageous development of the area in which the subdivision lies.


    Streets shall be required to intersect one another at an angle as near to a right angle as is practicable in each specific case.


    Where a subdivision adjoins acreage, provision shall be made for adequate street access thereto.


    Wherever a dead-end street is permitted, an adequate turning area shall be provided.


    All streets shall be named, and such names shall be subject to the approval of the commission. Duplication of existing names shall not be allowed unless the streets are obviously in alignment with existing streets and not so far removed as to be confusing.


    Grades shall not exceed six percent on arterial or collector highways, ten percent on minor highways or fifteen percent on any street. Centerline radii shall not be less than five hundred feet on highways, except in mountainous areas, where the radius may be reduced to not less than two hundred feet; and on all other streets the centerline radii shall not be less than seventy-five feet. Lesser radii and greater grades may be used in cases in which sufficient evidence is presented to show that the above requirements are not practicable; grades shall not, however, exceed twenty percent in any case.

    (Ord. Nos. 965 § 4, 1139 § 4.)


    Note: All road base and surfacing standards are considered minimum. The equivalent of class I sub-base may be substituted for the class II base subject to PRAC approval.

    Private roads—Projects with a density of one unit /acre or less for which an applicant requires and PRAC approves private road status shall be developed in accordance with the following:


    An 18′ width roadway with six inch (6″) class II base, two inch (2″) A. C. pavement.


    Shoulders and A. C. dikes optional except as required for drainage control.


    Road for projects consisting of ten (10) lots or fewer or where "feeder" roads within a larger project contain 10 lots or fewer and where further divisions are not possible may, if approved by PRAC, be only twelve feet (12′) in width with six inch (6″) class II base, two inch (2″) A. C. pavement. A six foot (6′) cleared lane shall adjoin the twelve foot (12′) paved section for additional fire access; said section need not be surfaced or based.


    Rights-of-way shall be a minimum of twenty feet (20') unless altered by PRAC.


    Where speed on proposed roadways is deemed to be a concern, traffic control devices such as signing, and especially road design may be utilized as mitigating measures.


    For projects which assure long term road maintenance through the use of legal entities (such as homeowner's associations), private road standards may allow the use of "seal coat" for surfacing; width and base standards are to be consistent with subsections (j) (1) and (j) (3) where applicable. Seal coat shall consist of one ½″ layer of #4 rock; 1 layer of RS-l sealing oil, and 3/8 ″ of #6 rock.


    Where roadway grade is ten percent (10%) or less, the seal coat described in (6) may be substituted for the two inch (2″) A. C. pavement.


    Where private roads require bridges, said bridges shall conform to regulation H-15 of the State Dept. of Transportation relating to bridge weight requirements.


    When half-width rights-of-way are proposed, improvements shall be in the minimum width of twelve inches (12″) with six inch (6″) class II base and two inch (2″) A. C. pavement.


    Civil engineered drainage plans shall be provided for all roads and driveways of all subdivisions.


    Grades shall not exceed fifteen percent (15%) but with PRAC approval may not exceed twenty percent (20%) for short distances.


    Roads for parcels greater than forty (40) acres shall meet county grade and alignment standards; width and surfacing standards to be determined by PRAC if deemed necessary.


    Driveways (defined as private roads serving two (2) lots or less) off subdivision roads shall meet county grade standards for private roads and may be required by PRAC to be improved depending on terrain, grade, length, and other factors.

(Ord. No. 2510 § l6.)