Sonoma County |
Code of Ordinances |
Article Ill. Private Projects. |
§ 23A-44. DEIR: Notice of Preparation.
The Planning Director shall send to each Responsible Agency a Notice of Preparation stating that an EIR will be prepared. This notice shall also be sent to every Federal Agency involved in approving or funding the project and to those Trustee Agencies responsible for the natural resources affected by the project. Pursuant to Section 15082(b) of the Guidelines, responses to the Notice of Preparation should be accepted as soon as possible but not later than forty-five (45)days after the Notice of Preparation is sent out. The Notice of Preparation shall meet the requirements of Section 15082(a) of the Guidelines and shall be sent by certified mail or other method of transmittal which provides a record of receipt of the notice by each agency. The Planning Director or consultant may begin preparation of the DEIR prior to receiving all of the responses to the Notice of Preparation.
(Ord. No. 3411 § II.)