§ 20-8. Animals.
No person shall be permitted to bring, carry, entice or transport a dog, cat or other animal into the park unless such dog, cat or other animal is securely leashed on a maximum six (6) foot leash and in immediate control of a person at all times. A dog, cat, or other animal is securely leashed within the meaning of this section when said dog, cat, or other animal is securely tied or otherwise fastened, or attached to one end of a chain, cord, rope, strap or other restraint, the other end of which is either securely attached to a stationary object or retained in the possession of some person, or said dog, cat or other animal is prevented from running at large. No dog, cat or other animal shall be permitted at swimming areas, or any area with public facilities, or in any structure of the park except seeing eye dogs for the benefit of a blind person. Dogs may be permitted to run free in areas which, from time to time, may be set aside by the park authority for the specific purpose of exercising a dog, provided, however, that the owner or keeper of the dog keeps it under control at all times and does not allow the dog to be beyond the boundaries of the area set aside.
No person shall permit a dog, cat or other pet to remain outside a tent, camper or enclosed vehicle during the night.
No person shall keep a noisy, vicious or dangerous dog or animal or one which is disturbing the other persons in the park and remain therein after the owners have been asked by the park authority to leave.
No person shall leave or deposit dogs, cats, or other animals, fowl or fish within the boundaries of the park.
No person shall bring a dog into, permit a dog to enter or remain, or possess a dog in the park unless the person presents proof that the dog has a valid rabies inoculation or the person presents a valid license for the dog.
No person shall feed or provide care for any animal, fowl or fish that lives within the boundaries of the park, except the feeding of water fowl in areas designated by the park authority or the feeding of animals as part of an animal removal program approved by the park authority.
(Ord. No. 4782 § 24, 1994: Ord. No. 1832 § 2.)